Kipper's A to Z- 小狗奇普的字母大冒险

Kipper's A to Z- 小狗奇普的字母大冒险

2017-09-30    07'25''

主播: 晓华亲子英语

9723 412

《Kipper's A to Z- 小狗奇普的字母大冒险》,这是一本以动物为主角的字母书,通过小狗 Kipper 和他的好朋友Arnold 在冒险过程中找到的动物来帮助小朋友认识字母和对应的单词。(更多资源,请关注微信公号:晓华亲子英语) A a is for ant(蚂蚁) B b is for box(盒子) C c is for crawly caterpillar(可怕的毛毛虫) D d is for duck(鸭子) E e is for elephant(大象) F f is for frog(青蛙) G g is for grasshopper(蚱蜢) H h is for hill and happy I i is for insect(昆虫) J j is for juice(果汁) K k is for .... L l is for lots of ladybugs(瓢虫) M m is for mole and mud(鼹鼠和泥) N n is for no O o is for on and off P p is for puff,pant,pink and pond(粉扑,裤子,粉红色和池塘) Q q is for quiet(安静) R r is for rainbow(彩虹) S s is for splish,splish,splish(水花) T t is for toys(玩具) U u is for under the umberlla(雨伞) V v is for volcano(火山) W w is for wiggly worm(虫子) X x is for xugglybug(蟑螂) Y y is for yes. Z z is for Zebra(斑马)