

2016-05-10    06'04''

主播: 每日听写

5567 65

人活着么大, 能没分过手么! 得, 算你pure and innocent, 声称自己没谈过恋爱,那你没吃过猪肉,起码见过猪跑吧。 嘿嘿嘿,但是下面这些分手得奇葩场景,也是够够的了! 赶紧一睹为快。 Email告知,你 被 甩 了 She emailed it was over. Waited. Got impatient. Called me and said, "You should check your email!" Then hung up. 她给我写邮件告诉我们关系结束。 等我回复。 不耐烦了。 然后给我打电话说, 你应该查查自己的邮件! 然后挂了! 天天解析 Over and Finish Finish 是动词常常用来作谓语 意思是:完成,结束 比如: I have finished my homework already 我已经完成了作业 Over 是副词,常放在 be 动词之后,表示结束 比如我们常说的: class is over 下课了 school is over 放学了 对讲机 英语 copy that, over 收到,完毕! I broke up with my boyfriend, but he was so drunk that he forgot and showed up to hang out the next day so i had to break up with him again 我和我男朋友分手,但是那次他喝多了,然后就忘了这回事儿,于是第二天他过来要和我一起玩儿, 所以我还要再一次告诉他我们分手了。 天天解析 so..... that ..... 如此…以至于… 例句:When the football fans saw Beckham,they got so excited that they cried out.粉丝们见到贝克汉姆的时候,他们兴奋得哭了出来 so that 引导目的状语从句时,表示“以便;为了”,从句中常使用 can /could /may /might /will /would /should 等情态动词或助动词;引导结果状语从句时,从句中一般不用 can 和 may 等词,在 so that 前可以用逗号,意思是“因此;所以”. 如:The little boy saved every coin so that he could buy his mother a present on Mother's day. 这个小男孩省下每一个硬币为了在母亲节这天给母亲买一个礼物 My girlfriend dumped me while i was paying for a pizza and the delivery guy felt so bad that he gave me a hug 我正在付pizza外卖的时候我女朋友摔了我, 这个送 pizza的小伙子感觉很不好然后给我了一个拥抱 天天解析 dump 侵倒 抛弃 She dumped me on my birthday party 她在我生日party的时候甩了我