The Kissing Hand 

The Kissing Hand 

2018-01-21    02'00''

主播: Gemini-girl

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Chester Raccoon was very sad. He looked at his mommy and cried. 小浣熊切斯特难过极了。他眼巴巴地望着妈妈,大哭起来。 “I don’t want to go to school,” he said. “I want to stay home by your side.” “我不想去学校,”他说。“我想留在家里,和你在一块儿。” “I’ll read my books and play with my friends and play with my favorite toys. Please may I stay home with you? I won’t make very much noise.” “我要读自己的书,和朋友们一起做游戏,玩我喜欢的玩具。求求你了,让我和你一起留在家里吧。我绝不会发出太多噪音的。” Mrs. Raccoon squeezed Chester’s hand and nuzzled him on his ear. 浣熊太太握住了切斯特的手,用鼻子亲昵地蹭了蹭他的耳朵。 “You’re going to love Owl’s school,” she said. “I promise, there’s nothing to fear.” “你一定会爱上猫头鹰学校的,”她说。“我保证,那里没什么好怕的。” “And I have a wonderful secret to share that will make your nights away seem as warm and cozy as your days at home, where we sleep, read books, and play.” “而且我有一个棒极了的秘密要分享给你。有了它,即使不能像我们在家里一样,在睡前读故事,做游戏,也会让你在学校的每一夜都同样温暖而舒适。” Mrs. Raccoon opened Chester’s hand wide and kissed the center of his palm. 浣熊太太打开切斯特的手,在手掌心亲亲地吻了一下。 Chester’s eyes popped, and his black mask tingled, as the Kissing Hand raced up his arm. 随着魔法亲亲的魔力上升到臂弯,切斯特的眼睛突然睁大了,黝黑的小脸感到微微发麻。 Chester could feel his mother’s kiss leap straight into his heart. 切斯特感到妈妈的吻直抵心脏。 “With a Kissing Hand,” said Chester’s mom, “We’ll never be apart.” “有了魔法亲亲,”浣熊太太说,“我们就再也不会分开了。” “Just press your hand upon your cheek and feel that loving glow. “只要把你的手放在脸颊上,就能感觉到我爱的暖流。 It’s Mommy saying, “I love you, wherever you may go.” 妈妈说,”我爱你,无论你身在何处。”