time  for. bed

time for. bed

2018-08-13    02'14''

主播: Gemini-girl

158 1

It's time for bed, little mouse, little mouse. 睡觉时间到了,小老鼠,小老鼠。 Darkness is falling all over the house. 整个房间渐渐被黑暗笼罩。 It's time for bed, little goose, little goose. 睡觉时间到了,小鹅,小鹅。 The stars are out and on the loose. 星星们跳出来,四处玩耍。 It's time for bed, little cat, little cat. 睡觉时间到了,小猫咪,小猫咪。 So snuggle in tight, that's right, like that. 所以紧紧偎依在一起吧,好的,就是这样。 It's time for bed, little calf, little calf. 睡觉时间到了,小牛,小牛。 What happened today that made you laugh? 今天发生了什么,让你哈哈大笑? It's time for bed little foal, little foal. 睡觉时间到了,小马驹,小马驹。 I'll whisper a secret, but don't tell a soul. 我会偷偷告诉你一个秘密,可不要告诉任何人。 It's time for bed, little fish, little fish. 睡觉时间到了,小鱼儿,小鱼儿。 So hold your breath and make a wish. 所以屏住呼吸,许下愿望吧。 It's time for bed, little sheep, little sheep. 睡觉时间到了,小绵羊,小绵羊。 The whole wide world is going to sleep. 整个偌大的世界即将入睡。 It's time to sleep, little bird, little bird. 睡觉时间到了,小鸟儿,小鸟儿。 So close your eyes, not another word. 所以闭上你的眼睛,不要再说话了。 It's time to sleep, little bee, little bee. 睡觉时间到了,小蜜蜂,小蜜蜂。 Yes, I love you and you love me. 是的,我爱你,你也爱我。 It's time to sleep, little snake, little snake. 睡觉时间到了,小蛇,小蛇。 Good gracious me, you're still awake! 天呐,你一直没睡! It's time to sleep, little pup, little pup. 睡觉时间到了,小狗,小狗。 If you don't sleep soon the sun will be up! 如果你不睡觉,太阳公公很快就会升起来的! It's time to sleep, little deer, little deer. 睡觉时间到了,小鹿,小鹿。 The very last kiss is almost here. 最后一个吻就要来了。 The stars on high are shining bright. 星星们在高空中闪着银光, Sweet dreams my darling, sleep well… 我的小宝贝做个好梦,好好睡一觉…… Good night 晚安。