

2019-10-22    01'14''

主播: 宝爷爷

91 0

长腿叔叔 Daddy Long Legs(224)2020-01-22 This happened nearly two months ago; I haven't heard a word from him since he was here. I was just getting sort of acclimated to the feeling of a broken heart, when a letter came from Julia that stirred me all up again. She said--very casually--that 'Uncle Jervis' had been caught out all night in a storm when he was hunting in Canada, and had been ill ever since with pneumonia. And I never knew it. I was feeling hurt because he had just disappeared into blankness without a word. I think he's pretty unhappy, and I know I am! What seems to you the right thing for me to do? Judy 这已经是近两个月前的事了;到现在为止我没有收到他的只字片语.在我几乎要习惯拥有一颗破碎的心时,茱莉亚捎来一封信,再度打乱我的心.她说 - 非常若无其事的 - “哲维叔叔”在加拿大打猎时,有一晚被暴风雨困住,结果得了肺炎,到现在都还没好.我觉得好伤心,因为他就这么不发一言的消失无踪.他可能很不开心,至少我确定我是不开心的. 我应该要怎么做才对呢? 茱蒂