

2019-10-24    01'32''

主播: 宝爷爷

89 0

长腿叔叔 Daddy Long Legs(226)2020-01-24 Thursday Morning My Very Dearest Master-Jervie-Daddy-Long-Legs Pendleton-Smith, Did you sleep last night? I didn't. Not a single wink. I was too amazed and excited and bewildered and happy. I don't believe I ever shall sleep again--or eat either. But I hope you slept; you must, you know, because then you will get well faster and can come to me. Dear Man, I can't bear to think how ill you've been--and all the time I never knew it. When the doctor came down yesterday to put me in the cab, he told me that for three days they gave you up. Oh, dearest, if that had happened, the light would have gone out of the world for me. I suppose that some day in the far future-- one of us must leave the other; but at least we shall have had our happiness and there will be memories to live with. 周四早晨 我最亲爱的哲维少爷长腿叔叔潘得敦史密斯先生: 你昨天有睡吗?我整晚都没有合眼.我太意外,太激动,太不知所措,太开心了.我觉得我可能永远也无法入眠了 - 或是吃东西.但我希望你有睡觉,你一定要的,你知道吗?因为这样你才可以快点好起来然后来找我. 天啊,我无法想像你生了这么重的病 - 而且我一点都不知情.当昨天医生下楼送我上车时,他说有三天的时间他们对你不抱希望了.喔,亲爱的,如果那真的发生,我的世界的灯光会永远熄灭.我想在未来的某一天 - 我们总有一方要离开另一方;但至少我们应该拥有我们的幸福,带着回忆活下去.