《道德经》第八章 若水 上善若水 中英双语讲解

《道德经》第八章 若水 上善若水 中英双语讲解

2014-07-19    32'49''

主播: 吴穗琼

799 19

第八章 若水 上善若水。水善利万物而不争,处众人之所恶, 故几于道。 居善地,心善渊,与善仁,言善信,正善治,事善能,动善时。夫唯不争,故无尤。 Chapter Eight The highest virtue is similar to water. Water naturally benefits the Ten Thousand things, yet it does not complete with anything. Water runs to lowest place, where everyone loathes going. Thus, water is close to the Tao. So, the sage stays in the low position. His heart is as deep as the sea, He treats everything with peace, Speaks truth honorably, Governs with order, Works efficiently, Movement occurs on time; He is not competitive, So no one complains of him. 【章要】水如道,道如心,心柔如水,圆融万物。 感谢您收听我们的节目。大家听到的,是由东学西渐促进会,中美禅文化交流协会,及北京时照道德文化推广机构合办的,中美道德经电话大课堂的回放。该节目自2012年起历时两年多,完成了《道德经》全部八十一章的中英文讲解。我们坚信中华文化的“中道精神”,是东方文明给信息时代的献礼。也坚信《道德经》必将成为二十一世纪全人类的圣经。请您聆听并推广转播。 主讲:吴穗琼 翻译:吴明杰