【小听童中英文绘本故事】尼尔森老师不见了2 Miss Nelson Is Missing下集

【小听童中英文绘本故事】尼尔森老师不见了2 Miss Nelson Is Missing下集

2016-08-06    16'31''

主播: 小听童

259 4

【小听童中英文绘本故事】尼尔森老师不见了2 Miss nelson is missing下集 Detective McSmogg would not be much help. 麦克斯莫格警探帮不了太大的忙。 Other kids went to Miss Nelson's house. ​另外一些孩子去了尼尔森老师的家。 The shades were tightly drawn, and no one answered the door. 窗帘拉得紧紧的,也没有人来开门。 In fact, the only person they did see was the wicked 不过,他们却瞧见了另一个人 Miss Viola Swamp, coming up the street. ——邪恶的薇奥拉·斯旺普老师正从街上走来。 "If she see us, she'll give us more homework." “要是她发现了我们,就会布置更多的家庭作业。” They got away just in time. 他们赶紧溜走了。​ Maybe something terrible happened to Miss Nelson! 也许尼尔森老师遇到了什么可怕的事情! "Maybe she was gobbled up by a shark!" said one of the kids. ​“也许她被鲨鱼一口吞掉了!”有一个孩子说道。 But that didn't seem likely ​不过这似乎不大可能。 "Maybe Miss Nelson went to Mars!" said another kids. “也许尼尔森老师飞到火星上了!”另外一个孩子说道。 But that didn't seem likely either. ​不过似乎也不大可能。 "I know!" exclaimed one know-it-all." ​“我知道!”号称万事通的孩子大声宣布, Maybe Miss Nelson's car was carried off by a swarm of angry butterflies!" “也许尼尔森老师的汽车被一大群生气的蝴蝶带走了!” But that was the least likely of all. ​不过,在所有的猜想中,这最不可能了。​ The kids in Room 207 became very discouraged. 207教室的孩子们非常沮丧。 It seemed that Miss Nelson was never coming back. ​也许尼尔森老师再也不会回来了。 And they would be stuck with Miss Viola Swamp forever. ​他们永远摆脱不了薇奥拉·斯旺普老师了。 They heard footsteps in the hall. ​他们听到走廊里传来脚步声。 "Here comes the witch," they whispered. ​“那个女巫来啦。”孩子们悄悄地说着。 "Hello, children," someone said in a sweet voice. ​“大家好,孩子们。”一个甜甜的声音响起来。​ It was Miss Nelson! 是尼尔森老师! "Did you miss me? she asked. ​“你们想念我吗?”她问道。 "We certainly did!" cried all the kids. ​“我们当然想啦!”全班的孩子都大声回答。 "Where were you?" ​“您去哪里啦?” "That's my little secret," said Miss Nelson. “这是我的小秘密。”尼尔森老师说。 "How about a story hour?" ​“讲个故事大家听吗?” "Oh yes!" cried the kids. ​“噢,太好了!”孩子们大叫。 Miss Nelson noticed that during story hour no one was rude or silly. 尼尔森老师注意到,在讲故事的时候,既没有人吵吵闹闹,也没有人走神发呆。 "What brought about this lovely change?" she asked. “是什么带来了这个可喜的变化?”她问道。 "That's our little secret," said the kids. ​​“这是我们的小秘密。”孩子们回答。​ Back home Miss Nelson took off her coat and hung it in the closet 尼尔森老师回到家里,脱下外套,把衣服挂进衣橱 (right next to an ugly black dress). (刚好挂在一条丑陋的黑色连衣裙旁边)。 When it was time for bed she sang a little song. ​睡觉的时候,她哼起了小曲儿。 "I'll never tell," she said to herself with a smile. ​“我绝不能说出真相。”她微笑着自言自语。 P.S.Detective McSmogg is working on a new case. ​另外,麦克斯莫格警探开始忙一件新案子。 He is now looking for Miss Viola Swamp. ​这会儿,他正在寻找薇奥拉·斯旺普老师。​