【广播剧】The Odyssey E1

【广播剧】The Odyssey E1

2014-07-24    86'14''

主播: 本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇

11.8万 284

The Odyssey (adapted for radio by Simon Armitage) first broadcast August 28-9, 2004 on BBC4 Episode I (1:26:14) After 20 years away the Gods decide it is time for Odysseus, a Trojan hero, to return to Ithaca before his wife Penelope is forced to marry again. But the angry God Poseidon still wants revenge. Odysseus....Tim McInnerny Penelope....Amanda Redman Telemachus....Benedict Cumberbatch Athena....Janet McTeer Zeus....John Wood Eurycleia....Mary Wimbush Hermes....Bertie Carvel King Alcinous....Geoffrey Whitehead Queen Arete....Cheryl Campbell Princess Nausicaa....Alice Hart Calypso....Adjoa Andoh The Cyclops....Barrie Rutter Antinous....Danny Webb Eurymachus....Jonathan Keeble Amphinomous....Chris Pavlo Eurylochus....Ewan Bailey Polites....John Rowe Elpenus....Stephen Hogan Eurybates....Philip Fox Antiphus....Jon Glover Music by Gary Yershon. Musicians.: Keith Thompson, Martin Allen, Robin Jeffrey, Chris Lacey, Elspeth Cowey and Phil Hopkins. Singer: Jon Glover. Directed by Janet Whitaker