20180618 端午安康how to make zongzi?

20180618 端午安康how to make zongzi?

2018-06-18    01'36''

主播: May🎯👉

205 5

First, take two bamboo leaves, leaving about one-inch overlap. Hold them like a book and fold up twisting slightly, crease the inside. And this gets us something that kind of looks like an ice cream cone. Thats Where the filling will go. Now grab another leaf. Tuck it in between those two leaves.And this is gonna kind of be like a leaf extension for us to wrap this guy a little easier. Now add in a tablespoon of the sticky rice and a half tablespoon of mung beans. Pat down gently and nestle in two to three slices of the marinated pork belly. Sprinkle in a bit of the dried mushrooms. Ditto with the dried seafood, then a half tablespoon of the mung beans again, a tablespoon of the sticky rice again. And now we were ready for the tricky bit. 首先,取两片竹叶当作粽子叶,将两片粽叶叠起,重叠部分为一英寸左右。然后像像捧着一本书一样棒起这两片叶子,轻微向上折叠扭转,然后按压里面使之形成折痕。接着我们京就做成了像冰淇淋蛋简一样的员锥体,就可以往里面填充馅料了。现在我们再拿一片叶子。将其塞进这两片叶子中间。这片新塞进的叶子就像把之前的两片叶子延伸了一样,这样我们包粽子时就会容易些。 现在加入一汤匙的糯米和半汤匙的绿豆。然后用汤匙轻轻拍一下,再放上两至三片已经腌制制过的五花肉,再撒一点干蘑菇和干制海品。然后再加上半汤匙的绿豆和一汤匙的糯米。现在我们就到了有点难度的(包粽子)环节。 We'II fold over this leaf. But when you do, place your thumb and middle finger at roughly the top of your filling, pressing gently. This guides the leaf to fold inward. Press down on the top so things are tight. Then fold and crease this excess down both on the left and right sides. Press and crease the leaf on the top, hotdog style, then fold it back towards the bottom. This guy's good to tie up now. So while never letting go of the Zongzi, grab a piece of dried grass or Baker's twine. Wrap it around tightly and tie it off.