LOW TAPE - Mynah 024

LOW TAPE - Mynah 024

2018-11-13    64'18''

主播: Mynah😌

151 2

Mynah: Hey! How's it going? Mynah: 嗨!大家还好吗? Mynah: I listened to the mix and want to say that I didn’t expect that much electro stuff from you, maybe need to catch up with your new production.. earlier you were more into raw house and acid stuff, is that right? Mynah: 我听完这首音乐想说,我从没想到你能打电子呢。或许我应该多关注你的新作品.....毕竟你以前都是走原始浩室和酸性浩室风格的,对吗? Gena: Hi! First of all I want to thank you for this opportunity to record the mix for you. Now to your question ..I actually started with ‘raw house’ purely accidentally and it turned to be the first genre I worked with. However life changes as your views on life do. Than change happened and of course that influenced what I do with my music . I started to listen more old school stuff, that mainly was released before 2000, and I opened a whole new world of music (which was actually already quite old (laughing)). My attention switched to primordial synthesisers and sound that they produce.. that’s how I stuck in electro and understood that this genre is really close to my heart. Gena: 首先我要感谢大家给我录制这首歌曲的机会。针对你的问题....我其实也是偶尔间才了解到原始浩室。这也成了我的启蒙流派。但是生命随着你对生活的不同领悟而不断变化。这同时对我的音乐也产生了莫大影响。我开始听一些主要集中在2000年以前的歌,这使我打开了一个全新的世界。(实际上还是很老派(嘻嘻))至此我将注意力转移至原始合成器以及相关乐器产生的声音...这就是我为什么会沉浸在电子乐中。 Mynah: Can you comment on this transition in genres ? Or you have always been making some electro stuff and we just didn’t know…? :) Some of the people I know have changed their djing and production mood towards electro recently also, what does this style mean and give to you? Mynah: 现在这个曲风更电子,更硬派,有时也不是很舒缓,来势汹汹的感觉。对于这样的转变你做如何评价?或许对于你来说,这并不觉得是一个转变,可能你一直有电子元素在里面.....据我了解,有些DJ最近曲风都还换成了电子。你觉得你适合这种流派吗?你从中收获了什么? Gena: Absolutely! Electro is full of different forms, it seems to me there is not such a strong mood variation in any other genre. Electro is fun, beautiful, serious and harsh - all this can be found and felt in it. I’d even say it’ll be good as soundtrack to some thriller. Gena:当然!电子音乐有很多形式。对我来说在任何其他流派中都没有如此强烈的情绪变化。电子音乐很有趣,很美,可以很严肃也可以很急促-所有的情感你都能在电子音乐中感受到。我甚至会说它会是一些惊悚片的配乐。 Mynah: What is on your mind now in terms of production? Still exploring electro/acid or there are other genres wanting to be out? K:对于作品你是怎么想的?还是想要探索电子/酸性浩室还是你还想尝试其他流派? Gena: I am in electro for sure, but i don’t normally limit myself to only one thing, now i also give space to some acid elements and good old IDM. Gena: 我喜欢电子,这是毫无疑问的。但我不想把自己局限于此。现在我也放一些酸性浩室和老式智能舞曲。 Mynah: Who are you listening to mostly when you are relaxed and just want to chill and explore? Mynah:当你放松的时候你大多都听谁的歌? Gena: IDM is exactly what i listen to in these moments. I love such artists like Adam Johnson, Phonosynthese, Pierrot Premier, R.I.C. I had never though i’d be listening to IDM, but somehow this music happened to resonate with me. Gena:我最近总是听智能舞曲。我喜欢的艺人有Adam Johnson, Phonosynthese, Pierrot Premier, R.I.C. 我从未想过我会听智能舞曲。但是有时候我感到与这种流派有共鸣。 Mynah:You are in Nizhnii - any plans to move to Moscow or cities outside your country? Other parties rather than POOL? What are you currently up to in your city? Mynah:你现在在下诺夫哥罗德-有计划去墨西哥或别的城市吗?会参加除POOL之外的派对吗?你最近在你的城市有什么活动吗? Gena: No! I will never move to Moscow! I love that big city, but it is not mine and it is too big for me. I am a stranger there. It’s cool to hang there with my mates on the weekend, it’s the best way to spend time in Moscow for me like that. I am much more keen on Saint Petersburg though, I have spent there more time than anywhere else (except NN), I even lived there for a bit and made some really good connections with people who are now my friends - most of them are djs and producers. NN is my favourite, here i was born and here are all my friends, with whom I organise local party POOL in one of the city’s best bar. Gena: 不会!我绝不会搬到墨西哥!我喜欢那里的大城市,但是那里不属于我,对我来说太大了。我在那里只是一个陌生人。周末约上我的朋友去那里玩对我来说是一件在墨西哥消遣时光最棒的事情。我更想去圣彼得堡,我在那里待得时间最长(除了诺夫哥罗德)。结交了很多好朋友。我最爱诺夫哥罗德。我出生在这里,有我的朋友们和我一起在城市中最好的酒吧举办POOL派对。 Mynah: You’ve been released on UK and German labels recently - how was that experience? How do you feel about it and what is the general feedback do you think? What are the main gear you worked with for those 2 releases? MynahK: 最近你的唱片在英国和德国发行。这是怎么样一段经历?你对此做如何感受?有什么反馈吗?这2张唱片你都是用什么设备制作的? Gena: I am always excited and super inspired when my music is about to be released. It is a very strong motivation for your future work. Besides the fact that my works are being recognised here, its a huge plus to realise that there is also a recognition outside my country. People form different parts of the world often text me about my music, some say that my music is the best they’ve come across. This is very full-filling and makes me keep doing what i am doing, because without a listener there is almost no reason to produce. I need this feedback and emotions and i am receiving them in a good amount. I don’t have any of the synthesisers, I have only KORG Electribe ESX-1, but i’m only playing around with it nothing serious. All my music i make in FL Studio, which is very simple and easy for me. Gena:当我的唱片发行的时候,我都是激动的。这对于我将来的工作起到了巨大的鼓舞作用。除了我的作品在当地被认可之外,我也意识到其他国家的人也喜欢我的音乐。来自不同世界的人们经常发我短信,询问我的音乐。有人说我的音乐是迄今最好的。这让我很有成就感,也推动了我的前进。如果没有听众,那制造音乐还有什么意义呢?我需要这些反馈和正能量。我没有任何合成器,我只有KORG Electribe ESX-1。我在FL工作室制作的音乐都是非常简单容易的。 Mynah: To make a podcast for somebody is a lot of work. You need to be in the right mood and in clear mind, also wanting to share, you agree? Following that thought.. podcast for us - what is it about? Was it hard to record or was it a smooth and quick experience? Describe it in a couple of words :) Mynah:做一个好的博客需要付出很多努力。你需要有好的心情和清晰的头脑。并且愿意分享,你同意吗?跟随我们...聆听我们的博客吧。这是关于什么?录制音乐是否很难?还是其实它是一个很流畅的过程?请用简单的几句话描述一下:) Gena: Absolutely, I feel this recording represents the connection between me and all the people who truly respect electro. Gena:当然,我觉得这个唱片可以将我和所有热爱电子音乐的人紧紧系在一起。 Mynah: Thank you for your participation, we’re enjoying the mix. Wish you to keep developing your sound and be heard :) Mynah:谢谢你的参与,我们非常享受你的音乐。希望你能继续努力,收获丰硕的果实:)