《To His Coy Mistress》By:Andrew Marvell

《To His Coy Mistress》By:Andrew Marvell

2014-05-07    02'26''

主播: 关爱抖森健康成长

12.5万 4407

[00:00.52]To His Coy Mistress 致羞怯的情人 [00:01.79]by Andrew Marvell [00:03.96]Had we but world enough, and time, 如果我们的世界够大,时间够多, [00:08.01]This coyness, lady, were no crime. 小姐,这样的羞怯就算不上罪过。 [00:11.00]We would sit down and think which way我们会坐下来,想想该上哪边 [00:14.48]To walk, and pass our long love's day; 去散步,度过我们漫漫的爱情天。 [00:17.17]Thou by the Indian Ganges' side你会在印度的恒河河畔 [00:21.06]Shouldst rubies find; I by the tide寻得红宝石:我则咕哝抱怨, [00:23.99]Of Humber would complain. I would傍着洪泊湾的潮汐。我会在 [00:26.21]Love you ten years before the Flood; 诺亚洪水前十年就将你爱, [00:28.84]And you should, if you please, refuse你如果高兴,可以一直说不要, [00:31.62]Till the conversion of the Jews. 直到犹太人改信别的宗教。 [00:33.80]My vegetable love should grow我植物般的爱情会不断生长, [00:36.69]Vaster than empires, and more slow. 比帝国还要辽阔,还要缓慢; [00:39.42]An hundred years should go to praise我会用一百年的时间赞美 [00:42.25]Thine eyes, and on thy forehead gaze; 你的眼睛,凝视你的额眉; [00:44.52]Two hundred to adore each breast, 花两百年爱慕你的每个乳房, [00:47.26]But thirty thousand to the rest; 三万年才赞赏完其它的地方; [00:50.11]An age at least to every part, 每个部位至少花上一个世代, [00:53.09]And the last age should show your heart. 在最后一世代才把你的心秀出来。 [00:55.93]For, lady, you deserve this state, 因为,小姐,你值得这样的礼遇, [00:58.47]Nor would I love at lower rate. 我也不愿用更低的格调爱你。 [01:01.06]But at my back I always hear可是在我背后我总听见 [01:05.47]Time's winged chariot hurrying near; 时间带翼的马车急急追赶; [01:08.25]And yonder all before us lie而横陈在我们眼前的 [01:10.27]Deserts of vast eternity. 却是无垠永恒的荒漠。 [01:12.24]Thy beauty shall no more be found, 你的美绝不会再现芳踪, [01:14.92]Nor, in thy marble vault, shall sound你大理石墓穴里,我的歌声 [01:17.35]My echoing song; then worms shall try也不会回荡:那时蛆虫将品尝 [01:20.68]That long preserv'd virginity, 你那珍藏已久的贞操, [01:22.66]And your quaint honour turn to dust, 你的矜持会化成灰尘, [01:25.09]And into ashes all my lust. 我的情欲会变成灰烬: [01:27.11]The grave's a fine and private place, 坟墓是个隐密的好地方, [01:29.64]But none I think do there embrace. 但没人会在那里拥抱,我想。 [01:32.98]Now therefore, while the youthful hue因此,现在趁青春色泽 [01:38.54]Sits on thy skin like morning dew, 还像朝露在你的肌肤停坐, [01:41.17]And while thy willing soul transpires趁你的灵魂自每个毛孔欣然 [01:44.31]At every pore with instant fires, 散发出实时的火焰, [01:46.24]Now let us sport us while we may; 此刻让我们能玩就玩个尽兴; [01:50.08]And now, like am'rous birds of prey, 此刻,像发情的猛禽 [01:53.07]Rather at once our time devour, 宁可一口把我们的时光吞掉 [01:55.35]Than languish in his slow-chapp'd power. 也不要在慢嚼的嘴里虚耗。 [01:58.48]Let us roll all our strength, and all让我们把所有力气,所有 [02:01.61]Our sweetness, up into one ball; 甜蜜,滚成一个圆球, [02:03.48]And tear our pleasures with rough strife粗鲁狂猛地夺取我们的快感 [02:05.85]Thorough the iron gates of life. 冲破一扇扇人生的铁栅栏: [02:08.04]Thus, though we cannot make our sun这样,我们虽无法叫太阳 [02:11.28]Stand still, yet we will make him run. 驻足,却可使他奔跑向前