

2016-05-23    04'10''

主播: TeacherGwen

1079 83

523Sometimes in life, we hit a crossroad...and are forced to choose which path we want to take. 语音讲解: 1. times双元音ai 2.hit的i发音 3.choose不要卷舌 4.want to省掉t 词汇讲解: 1. hit的用法 击打 The boxer hits hard with his left. 拳击手用其左手狠狠出击。 碰撞 I hit a difficult point in my work, and decided it was time for a cup of tea. 我在工作中遇到了一个困难, 因此打算先喝杯茶休息一下。 俚语 hit the road 离开,上路。 I gotta hit the road我不得不走啦。 hit the nail on sb's head正中要害 Your analysis really hit the nail on the head. 你的分析确实一针见血。 2. force强迫 be forced to do被迫 The firm will be forced to make concessions if it wants to avoid a strike. 要想避免罢工,公司将不得不作出一些让步。 3.path 路 street意思为“街道”即城市或村镇中两旁有房屋的路。 Path指未经开凿,通过践踏而自然形成的“小路”。也特指人生的道路。