

2017-10-09    09'30''

主播: TeacherGwen

6146 203

10.9 早读 The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it. ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ →√ ✗ 语音讲解 单词发音 past /pɑːst $ pæst/ either /ˈaɪðə $ ˈiːðər/ run /rʌn/ learn /lɜːn $ lɜːrn/ 舌侧音/l/-鼻音/n/ 插入boss baby视频https://v.qq.com/x/page/z0557u799bd.html 连词发音 way I see it /weɪjaɪsiːjɪt/ can either /kən'aɪðə/ 轻读重读 重读:can/I/run/learn 虚词的重读 can的弱读/kən/;can的重读/kæn/。 本句中The past can hurt的can为重读式,为强调一个人的过去是能够让人受伤的。 弱读:the/but/can/from/or 词汇讲解 1.the way I see it(=to my way of thinking/from my perspective/ from where I stand) 释义:used before telling someone your opinion 依我看 例句:The way I see it, it was a fair trade. 依我看,这桩交易很合适。 2.either...or... 释义:要么...要么.../不是...就是... 例句:It’s your choice! Either she leaves or I will! He must be either mad or drunk. 他要么是疯了,要么是喝醉了。 活学活用 the way I see it