Career Builder:人力资源专家教你应对“金三月”

Career Builder:人力资源专家教你应对“金三月”

2015-03-06    16'48''

主播: 英语直播间

2281 148

Robert Parkinson, Founder and CEO of RMG Selection, an international HR consultative company based in China. March is the peak season for job-hunting and job-hopping, and the segment "Career Builder" on Studio Plus has touched upon several topics in the previous two months. This week, we've collected some questions from our listeners through our wechat account. Some of our listeners are about to graduate from college or graduate school, trying to find a job. Some are thinking hopping to another company. They are curious and want your help since they've listened to you here for some time. They find the segment helpful, and believe that you always give listeners some enlightening ideas. But the questions are quite challenging, Robert, so are you ready to help our listeners? Great! Let's get started. The first question is from a listener nicknamed Z. I don't know if this is a he or a she, but Z seems to be quite confusing about his or her future. 1.Z: A Studio Plus fan nicknamed Z: is unsure about the direction he wants to take his career in and is not sure how to find the right field for him, can you please advise? ( this person is probably a college student) 2.Cattle:In China there is a common custom for employers to ask what kind of salary package the applicant thinks is appropriate, however not all employers are this forward. Our listener Cattle would like to know if there is an appropriate manner in which you can ask the employer about the salary package the job offers and when is the appropriate time to ask. 3.John: What is the most effective way to social media such as linkedin to improve you job prospects? And how effective can social media be when it comes to finding a job? 4.Weiwei asks, how to choose job hunters since there are so many job hunter companies online and it is not easy to tell which ones are more reliable. 5.Susan: I'm working at a joint venture company here in Beijing, and I am thinking about changing my job ,which is my company's rival in the market. I can't get my supervisor to recommend me of course, but I've got a friend in my current company who can help me write a reference. I'm concerned about whether such reference raise doubts about my friend's ethic standards. 6.Xiaoxiong: Last year I completed a law degree at LSE and I have been working in the field for less than a year and have decided it is not for me. I am really interested in Finance. I do not have the relevant experience in the field but I consider my self quite knowledgeable about the industry. I have considered taking the CFA exams and would like to know if switching career fields would be feasible? 7.Draco: I work in Media and more specifically video editing. I have a years work experience and since then have spent several months doing part-time jobs without being able to find another full time position. How should I explain this during my next job interview? 8:Nini: I have a foreign languages degree and am fluent in Spanish, German, English and of course Chinese. I would really like to take a position in Journalism but I am worried that without the relevant Journalism degree I may have trouble getting in to the industry. Can you please advice? 9.Xiaohua: I have been working as junior programmer in Beijing for three years and have received and adequate salary for my position but I feel with my current experience I should now be looking for a higher position with better pay. I have not been able to land such a position. I know the market is tough but working as a junior programmer with my experience seems really frustrating. How do I get higher pay and a better position? 10.Summer: I have just graduated from school with a degree in Fashion Design. I am currently living in Guangzhou with my family. I have been offered a good job in Beijing, but the weather there is really cold and I am not sure I will be able to get used to life there. Is it worth me holding out for a better position in area I would prefer or should just bite the bullet and take the job in Beijing. 11.Paul:I have been working in my current company for a year, while I really like my job I don't gel particularly well with my co-workers. Sometimes I feel like it is too much and I really want to leave my job but I am scared it would look bad on my CV. Should I try and gain another year of experience here for the sake my CV or just move on? 12:Chenlin: I am currently working in broadcasting in Beijing and switched jobs three times in the last year. I have heard that the employers within the same city and industry often know each other and I am scared that I may have built up a bad reputation with the industry, is that really true? How should I also explain this to my next employer? Have I ruined my career? 13.Xiaozhu: I am a second year IT student in Shanghai, and I love IT (computer programming specifically) but I don't like learning in a class room. I look at all these success stories of guys like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg and they all did really well after dropping out of University. I am thinking about taking the same risk, dropping out of School and Starting my own business, but my friends tell me I am day dreaming and that is stupid. What do you think?