"Breaking bad"真的是“绝命毒师”的意思吗?

"Breaking bad"真的是“绝命毒师”的意思吗?

2015-05-27    08'08''

主播: 英语直播间

975 96

1)Breaking bad -Your are a straight up man, you are not going to break bad -All parents do everything they can to prevent their children breaking bad -Noah used to volunteer at the homeless shelter before he broke bad. Definition: to go bad, or turn immoral Etymology: popularised by TV series Breaking bad 2)Call a spade a spade -Let's call a spade a spade, that man's a liar -I call a spade a spade and when I see a friend acting like an idiot I tell them. -Mr. Adams called a spade a spade and told Johnny's parents that he was a bad student Definition: say it like it is Etymology: This term comes from a Greek saying, call a bowl a bowl, that was mistranslated into Latin by Erasmus and came into English in the 1500s 3)Draw a blank -George tried to scour facebook to find the pretty girl he met at the bar, but he drew a blank -I tried hard to remember her phone number but drew a blank. -When Ms. Roberts asked her husband what airline they were flying on, he drew a blank. Definition: If you draw a blank, you get no response when you ask for something, or get no results when you search for something.