

2015-07-14    02'31''

主播: 英语直播间

1276 79

Starring Mia Wasikowska from Alice in Wonderland, Interstellar star Jessica Chastain, and God of Mischief Tom Hiddleston, the gothic romance "Crimson Peak" is no doubt dark and mysterious. Set in the Victorian England, the movie features a young woman falls in love with a wealthy gentleman Mr Sharpe, portrayed by Hiddleston, and finds out her charming new husband is not the man he appears to be. The actor says the film revolves around sex and death. "These two very primal forces in life of sex and death are very, very prevalent and very, very close to the surface. But in terms of the way Guillermo has constructed it, the man has a giant imagination, and an extravagant one." Playing Sharpe's twisted sister, Jessica Chastain emphasizes that the film is not just a gothic romance. "it's a survival story that has supernatural elements in it. I'm not going to tell you what they are. It's about loss of innocence and it's about finding out who you really are." Director Guillermo del Toro, who once helmed Pan's Labyrinth and Pacific Rim, says he eyes his latest work with an eye toward darker, more adult themes than in his previous Hollywood efforts. "This is the first time that I'm trying an R-rated, adult, lavish, gorgeous movie on this scale. So it was something that I wanted to deliver," "Crimson Peak" is set for release in October.