Peter做错了什么,要peter out?

Peter做错了什么,要peter out?

2017-02-24    08'04''

主播: 英语直播间

1678 56

Peter out -The campers went to bed when the fire petered out. -After Tom's money finally petered out, he ended his road trip. -Liam swum fast in the first lap, but his energy soon petered out. Definition: To die or dwindle away. Etymology: It may refer to the apostle Peter, whose enthusiastic support of Jesus quickly diminished so that he denied knowing him three times during the night after Jesus's arrest. Other examples: 1. Her love for piano petered out after entering high school. This was partly because she was burdened by loads of homework. 2. Passion petered out between the two lovers after they were forced to live in separate cities.