161222 经典文学《简·爱》第121期

161222 经典文学《简·爱》第121期

2016-12-22    02'17''

主播: Fred英语笔记

4684 146

At dark I allowed Adèle to put away books and work, and to run downstairs. 天黑时我允许阿黛勒放下书和作业,奔到楼下去。 for, from the comparative silence below, and from the cessation of appeals to the door-bell, 因为下面已比较安静,门铃声也已消停, I conjectured that Mr. Rochester was now at liberty. 想必罗切斯特先生此刻有空了。 Left alone, I walked to the window, but nothing was to be seen thence. 房间里只剩下了我一个人,我便走到窗子跟前,但那儿什么也看不见。 Twilight and snowflakes together thickened the air, and hid the very shrubs on the lawn. 暮色和雪片使空气混混沌沌,连草坪上的灌木也看不清楚了。 I let down the curtain and went back to the fireside. 我放下窗帘,回到了火炉边。 In the clear embers I was tracing a view, 在明亮的余烬中,我仿佛看到了一种景象, not unlike a picture I remembered to have seen of the castle of Heidelberg, on the Rhine, 颇似我记得曾见过的莱茵河上海德堡城堡的风景画。 when Mrs. Fairfax came in, breaking up by her entrance the fiery mosaic I had been piercing together, 这时费尔法克斯太太闯了进来,打碎了我还在拼凑的火红镶嵌画, and scattering too some heavy unwelcome thoughts that were beginning to throng on my solitude. 也驱散了我孤寂中开始凝聚起来的沉闷而不受欢迎的念头。 经典文学《简·爱》 "Mr. Rochester would be glad if you and your pupil would take tea with him in the drawing-room this evening," "罗切斯特先生请你和你的学生,今晚一起同他在休息室里用茶点," said she: "he has been so much engaged all day that he could not ask to see you before." 她说,"他忙了一天。没能早点见你。" "When is his tea-time?" I inquired. "他什么时候用茶点?"我问。 "Oh, at six o' clock. He keeps early hours in the country. "呃,六点钟。在乡下他总是早起早睡。 You had better change your frock now. 现在你最好把外衣换掉。 I will go with you and fasten it. Here is a candle. 我陪你去,帮你扣上扣子。拿着这支蜡烛。 Is it necessary to change my frock? 有必要换外衣吗? Yes, you had better. I always dress for the evening when Mr. Rochester is here. 是的,最好还是换一下。罗切斯特先生在这里的时候,我总是穿上夜礼服的。 This additional ceremony seemed somewhat stately. 这额外的礼节似乎有些庄重。 However, I repaired to my room, and, with Mrs. Fairfax's aid, replaced my black stuff dress by one of black silk. 不过我还是上自己的房间去了。在费尔法克斯太太的帮助下,把黑色呢衣换成了一件黑丝绸衣服, The best and the only additional one I had, except one of light grey, which, in my Lowood notions of the toilette, 这是除了一套淡灰色衣服外,我最好的,也是唯一一套额外的衣装。以我的罗沃德服饰观念而言, I thought too fine to be worn, except on first-rate occasions. 我想除了头等重要的场合,这套服装是过于讲究而不宜穿的。 "You want a brooch," said Mrs. Fairfax. "你需要一枚饰针,"费尔法克斯太太说。 I had a single little pearl ornament which Miss Temple gave me as a parting keepsake. 我只有一件珍珠小饰品,是坦普尔小姐作为临别礼物送给我的. I put it on, and then we went downstairs. 我把它戴上了。随后我们下了楼梯。 Unused as I was to strangers, it was rather a trial to appear thus formally summoned in Mr. Rochester's presence. 我由于怕生,觉得这么一本正经被罗切斯特先生召见,实在是活受罪。 I let Mrs. Fairfax precede me into the dining-room, and kept in her shade as we crossed that apartment. 去餐室时,我让费尔法克斯太太走在我前面,自己躲在她暗影里。 And, passing the arch, whose curtain was now dropped, entered the elegant recess beyond. 穿过房间,路过此刻放下了窗帘的拱门,进了另一头高雅精致的内室。 来源:可可英语