170531 经典文学《简·爱》 第177期

170531 经典文学《简·爱》 第177期

2017-05-31    01'32''

主播: Fred英语笔记

5646 168

Afterwards, take a piece of smooth ivory — you have one prepared in your drawing-box. 然后,拿出一块光滑的象牙来 — 你在画盒子里有一块备着。 Take your palette, mix your freshest, finest, clearest tints; choose your most delicate camel-hair pencils; 拿出你的调色板,把你最新鲜、最漂亮、最明洁的色泽调起来,选择你最精细的骆驼毛画笔, delineate carefully the loveliest face you can imagine; 仔细地画出你所能想象的最漂亮的脸蛋, paint it in your softest shades and sweetest lines, according to the description given by Mrs. Fairfax of Blanche Ingram; 根据费尔法克斯太太对布兰奇·英格拉姆的描绘,用最柔和的浓淡差别,最甜蜜的色泽来画。 remember the raven ringlets, the oriental eye. 记住乌黑的头发,东方式的眸子。 What! You revert to Mr. Rochester as a model! Order! No snivel! No sentiment! No regret! 什么!你把罗切斯特先生作为模持儿,镇静!别哭鼻子!不要感情用事!不要反悔! I will endure only sense and resolution. 我只能忍受理智和决心。 经典文学《简·爱》 Recall the august yet harmonious lineaments, the Grecian neck and bust. 回忆一下那庄重而和谐的面部特征,希腊式的脖子和胸部。 Let the round and dazzling arm be visible, and the delicate hand. 露出圆圆的光彩照人的胳膊和纤细的手。 Omit neither diamond ring nor gold bracelet. 不要省掉钻石耳环和金手镯。 Portray faithfully the attire, aerial lace and glistening satin, graceful scarf and golden rose; 一丝不差地画下衣服、悬垂的花边、闪光的缎子、雅致的围巾和金色的玫瑰, call it 'Blanche, an accomplished lady of rank.' 把这幅肖像画题作‘多才多艺的名门闺秀布兰奇。’" Whenever, in future, you should chance to fancy Mr.Rochester thinks well of you, take out these two pictures and compare them. 每当,将来,你应该有机会想到罗切斯特先生认为你很好,拿出这两张照片,并比较他们。 Say, Mr. Rochester might probably win that noble lady's love, if he chose to strive for it. 说,罗切斯特先生可能会赢得贵族女士的爱,如果他选择努力。 Is it likely he would waste a serious thought on this indigent and insignificant plebeian? 他可能会浪费严重的想法在这个贫困的、无关紧要的人身上吗? "I'll do it," I resolved. And having framed this determination, I grew calm, and fell asleep. "我会这么干的,"我打定了注意。决心一下,人也就平静下来了,于是便沉沉睡去。 Source: www.kekenet.com