170603  经典文学《简·爱》 第178期

170603 经典文学《简·爱》 第178期

2017-06-03    00'57''

主播: Fred英语笔记

12261 576

微信公众号:英语听力123 主播微博:孙梓晋的微博 I kept my word. 我说到做到, An hour or two sufficed to sketch my own portrait in crayons. 一二个小时便用蜡笔画成了自己的肖像。 And in less than a fortnight I had completed an ivory miniature of an imaginary Blanche Ingram. 而用了近两周的工夫完成了一幅想象中的布兰奇·英格拉姆象牙微型画。 It looked a lovely face enough, 这张脸看上去是够可爱的, and when compared with the real head in chalk, the contrast was as great as self-control could desire. 同用蜡笔根据真人画成的头像相比,其对比之强烈已到了自制力所能承受的极限。 I derived benefit from the task. 我很得益于这一做法。 经典文学《简·爱》 It had kept my head and hands employed, 它使我的脑袋和双手都不闲着, and had given force and fixedness to the new impressions I wished to stamp indelibly on my heart. 也使我希望在心里烙下的不可磨灭的新印象更强烈,更不可动摇。 Ere long, I had reason to congratulate myself 不久我有理由庆幸自己, on the course of wholesome discipline to which I had thus forced my feelings to submit. 在迫使我的情感服从有益的纪律方面有所长进。 Thanks to it, I was able to meet subsequent occurrences with a decent calm, 多亏了它,我才能够大大方方、平平静静地对付后来发生的事情, which, had they found me unprepared, 要是我毫无准备, I should probably have been unequal to maintain, even externally. 那恐怕是连表面的镇静都是无法保持的。 Source: www.kekenet.com