170922 经典文学《简·爱》 第209期

170922 经典文学《简·爱》 第209期

2017-09-22    01'14''

主播: Fred英语笔记

5425 120

微信公众号:英语听力123 QQ群: 432584106 主播QQ: 33808700247 "Oh, I am so sick of the young men of the present day!" exclaimed she, rattling away at the instrument. "呵,我真讨厌今天的年青人!"她叮叮咚咚弹奏起这乐器来,一面嚷嚷道。 "Poor, puny things, not fit to stir a step beyond papa's park gates; "这些弱小的可怜虫,不敢越出爸爸的公园门一步, nor to go even so far without mama's permission and guardianship! 没有妈妈的准许和保护,连那点距离都不敢。 Creatures so absorbed in care about their pretty faces, 这些家伙醉心于漂亮的面孔, and their white hands, and their small feet, as if a man had anything to do with beauty! 白皙的双手和一双小脚,仿佛男人与美有关似的! As if loveliness were not the special prerogative of woman — her legitimate appanage and heritage! 仿佛可爱不是女性的特权 — 她合法的属性与遗传物! I grant an ugly women is a blot on the fair face of creation, 我同意一个丑陋的女人是造物主白净脸上的一个污点。 but as to the gentlemen, let them be solicitous to possess only strength and valour; 至于男人们,让他们只关心拥有力量和勇气吧, let their motto be: Hunt, shoot, and fight: the rest is not worth a fillip. 让他们把打猎、射击和争斗作为座右铭。其余的则一钱不值。 Such should be my device, were I a man." 要是我是个男人,这应当成为我的座右铭。" "Whenever I marry," she continued after a pause which none interrupted, "不论何时结婚,"她停顿了一下,没有人插话,于是又继续说, "I am resolved my husband shall not be a rival, but a foil to me. "我决定,我的丈夫不应当是个劲敌,而是个陪衬。 I will suffer no competitor near the throne. 我不允许皇位的近旁有竞争存在。 I shall exact an undivided homage. 我需要绝对忠心。 His devotions shall not be shared between me and the shape he sees in his mirror. 不允许他既忠于我,又忠于他镜中看到的影子。 Mr. Rochester, now sing, and I will play for you." 罗切斯特先生,现在唱吧,我替你伴奏。” "I am all obedience," was the response. “我唯命是从,”便是得到的回答。 source:kekenet.com WORDS & PHRASES: Prerogative |prɪˈrɒgətɪv| N. a right or advantage belonging to a particular person or group because of their importance or social position 特权;优先权 In many countries education is still the prerogative of the rich. 在许多国家接受教育仍然是富人的特权。 A blot on sth 有损形象(或幸福)的事情;污点 Her involvement in the fraud has left a serious blot on her character. 她卷入了这次欺诈案,在她的品格上留下了一个很大的污点。 Solicitous |səˈlɪsɪtəs| ADJ.关怀的;关切的;挂念的 A person who is solicitous shows anxious concern for someone or something. He was so solicitous of his guests. 他对他的客人们非常关切。 a foil for sb/sth: a person or thing that contrasts with, and therefore emphasizes, the qualities of another person or thing 陪衬者;陪衬物 The pale walls provide a perfect foil for the furniture. 浅色的墙壁完全衬托出家具的特色。 Homage |ˈhɒmɪdʒ| ~ (to sb/sth) something that is said or done to show respect for sb 敬辞;表示敬意的举动 The kings of France paid homage to no one. 法国国王不对任何人效忠。