vol.24 | 罗马推出披萨自动售货机

vol.24 | 罗马推出披萨自动售货机

2021-07-06    10'05''

主播: Fred英语笔记

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Fresh pizza vending machine 罗马推披萨自动贩卖机 Rome has a new vending machine which slides out freshly cooked pizzas in just three minutes. Buyers using the flaming red "Mr. Go Pizza" machine can choose from four different kinds of pizzas costing from 4.50 to 6 euros. The machine kneads and tops the dough and customers can watch the pizza cook behind a small glass window. Reviews by customers of the machine, one of the first in Rome, ranged from "acceptable if you're in a hurry" to outright horror. People have been eating forms of flat bread with toppings for millennia, but it is generally accepted that pizza was perfected in Naples. In fact, for many Italians, the classic pizza experience includes watching a "pizzaiolo," (pizzamaker) knead the dough and cooking it in a wood-burning brick oven within sight of your table. 罗马出现了一台全新的自动售货机,它能在三分钟内吐出一张现烤披萨。这台名为"Mr. Go Pizza"的红色自动贩卖机上有四种不同的披萨饼可供食客选择,售价从约35元到46元不等。机器会揉面,并在面饼上加配料,顾客可以在一个小玻璃窗后观看披萨饼的烹饪过程。顾客们对这台机器的评价不一,有人表示"赶时间的话可以接受",还有人觉得简直糟糕极了。披萨作为一种带馅料的面饼食物已经存在上千年,但那不勒斯的披萨是公认最佳的。事实上,对于许多意大利人来说,享用披萨的经典体验包括坐在餐桌前观看"披萨师"揉面团并在烧柴的砖制窑炉上烤披萨。