chapter 50春节应对相亲怎么回答,Lori任性说!

chapter 50春节应对相亲怎么回答,Lori任性说!

2016-01-27    31'02''

主播: 卢老师说

7011 197

Chapter 50过年亲戚问有对象吗? Lori教你!就这么答!节目文稿 …… 过年亲戚问有对象吗?Lori教你!就这么答!这么牛逼的亲戚也hold不住啊! …… 帮你学口语,带你彪口语, 带你学习带你飞! 即可加入春节英语大礼包就是你的啦, 猴年套餐两年暖心价格266元/套让你英语裹足不前就是没有加入Lori教你说英语VIP口语俱乐部,现在开始,2016年你的口语就会就好的不要不要的!! 报名微信 763278058 公众微信授课 Lori8221 新浪微博 @卢相江同学 …… Lori任性说! 春节 The Spring Festival 农历 lunar calendar 正月 lunar January; the first month by lunar calendar 除夕 New Year's Eve; eve of lunar New Year 拜年 pay New Year's call; give New Year's greetings; New Year's visit 买年货special purchases for the Spring Festival ; do Spring Festival shopping 咱们看看老外在面对这个问题时都是怎么答的?? 亲友同学最爱问的这句:"Are you seeing anyone?"“你有对象/男票/女票吗? ”普通青年这么答: 1. "No."“没有。” 2. "I'm dating around."“一直在相亲。” 3. "I'm not tied down yet."“还没遇到合适的。” 4. "I've been dating someone for a bit, but I can't say for sure she is the one." “见过几个人,但都觉得不太合适。” 逗比青年这么答: 1. "Yes, and he's already got two kids of his own, so you'll get those grandchildren you've been waiting for!" “有男友啊,他已经有两个孩子了。你不是一直想要外孙吗,这下你的愿望可以一步到位了!” 2. "Not exactly...I just joined a cult where we don't believe in any sort of lasting, committed relationships. We just use one another to keep the population populated." “也不算有吧。。。我最近加入了一个教派,我们教的人都不相信人能有持久忠贞的感情。所以关于繁衍的问题,我们都跟自己人内部解决了,正好也可以扩大教众。” 3. "I see people all the time. I'm seeing you right now!" “我一直在跟各种‘对象’见面啊,你不也是我见面的对象之一嘛!” 4. "Actually, I've found paper folding and basket weaving to be a better use of my time. Those are two of my new favorite hobbies, you know, since I'm single." “讲真,我觉得折纸和编花篮是打发时间的好途径。你知道吗,自单身以来,我就喜欢上这两个爱好了。” 5. "Well, I've started training my dog for the circus, so that takes up a considerable amount of time." “怎么说呢,我最近一直在训练我的狗,想让它进马戏团。训狗把我的时间都占去了。” 6. "My dog fulfills my need for companionship. So do my cats...and my guinea pig." “我已经有狗狗作伴了,还有喵喵,还有我的荷兰猪。” 7. "Have you seen the majority of the male population lately?!" “你最近没听说吗,现在男性人口太多了,有一部分只能打光棍了?!” 8. Point to a random guy and say, "Him. We just don't like to interact in public settings." 随便指着一个路人甲说:“他就是我男友。一有其他人在,我俩就不好意思说话了。” 9. "No...but someone proposed to me at a bar last week. Does that count?"“没有。不过上周在酒吧有人跟我求婚了。那个算吗?” 10. "I'm joining a convent. I'm really looking forward to taking that vow of chastity."“我刚加入了一所尼姑庵,已经等不及要宣誓永守贞操了。” 11. "I'm going to Rome for a year and I don't want to be tied down when I'm surrounded by all those Italian men who are just dying to bring me home to their mothers and feed me homemade pasta."“我打算去罗马待一年。一想到将要出现大把的意大利帅哥,急着带我见他们父母、给我做意大利面吃,我就不着急相亲了。” 12. "I'm in love with myself. Isn't that enough?"“我爱上我自己了,不也挺好嘛?”