Ladies, take it easy.

Ladies, take it easy.

2022-03-21    53'58''

主播: Marcast新播客

466 2

DJ: Yolling & 月饼 Music credits: 1. Norton Commander - Men I Trust 2. Love More - Sharon Van Etten & Fiona Apple 3. Female Energy, Part 2 - WILLOW 4. Paper Thin - Lianne La Havas 5. Like I Used To - Sharon Van Etten, Angel Olsen 6. Wait for Now - The Cinematic Orchestra, Tawiah, Mary Lattimore Rework 7. Under The Table - Fiona Apple 8. Levitating - Xenia Rubinos, Sammus, Olga Bell 9. Woman - Little Simz,Cleo Sol 放松呼***神漫游 –「银河系漫游手册」is curated by Yolling and brought to you by Marcast.