

2016-09-17    02'03''

主播: 温迪口语

149 14

02.美国梦是什么?【含文本】【温迪ESL口语】 CULTURE NOTE The “American dream” is to own your own house. Because of this, many people choose to live many miles from where they work in order to find a house that they can afford, sometimes living outside of the main city where they work. Houses are often less expensive if they are several miles from the main area of the city. There is a tradition of home improvement in the U.S., where people spend a lot of time and money fixing their houses and keeping them in good condition. When there is a “boom” in real estate (that is, when the prices of houses are rising quickly), people often attempt to make improvements on their home to make them more valuable to sell. Whether you are going to sell your house or plan to stay in it, there are several large stores that will sell you all of the materials or supplies you will need. Two of the most popular stores currently in the United States are called “Home Depot” and “Lowe's.” These are “warehouse” stores that are very large. They are sometimes called “big box” stores, because they are large, often square or rectangular buildings that look like big boxes or containers.