【英语简明新闻】Headline News

【英语简明新闻】Headline News

2015-10-31    03'26''

主播: 卉哒哒☀

171 4

Russian civilian plane crashes in Sinai A Russian airliner with 224 people on-board has gone down in Egypt. Egyptian officials have confirmed wreckage of the Metrojet Airliner has been found in the Sinai Peninsula. It's not clear yet if there are any survivors. Initial reports indicate the pilot of the flight, which was destined for St. Petersburg, indicated the plane was suffering from mechanical problems shortly before it disappeared off radar some 20-minutes after taking off from the Egyptian resort city of Sharm el-Shiek. The Egyptian military has coordined off the scene. Premier Li arrives in Seoul for ROK visit, China-Japan-ROK summit Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has arrived in Seoul ahead of this weekend's trilateral summit among Chinese, Japanese and South Korean leaders. Li Keqiang is due to hold talks with South Korean President Park Geun-hye and other South Korean leaders before the trilateral summit begins. He's also attending a series of activities connected to economic cooperation and people-to-people exchanges. Li Keqiang is attending the first trilateral summit among Chinese, Japanese and South Korean leaders in some 3.5-years. The summit itself is expected to cover a wide range of topics, including economic and political ties. Li Keqiang is also due to take part in a business-leaders exchange as part of his time in Seoul. Rescue ends after building collapse kills 17 in central China A search for any survivors from a building collapse in Henan has been called off. 17 workers are dead after the 2-storey house in the suburbs of Louhe came down while the workers were trying to move it off its foundation. 23 others managed to survive. 9 are in serious condition. Work safety officials are now trying to determine what lead to the collapse. SW China earthquake damages over 12,000 houses Over 12-thousand homes have been damaged following a 5.1-magnitude earthquake Friday evening in the southwestern part of Yunnan. The epicenter was located near the small town of Datianba, close to the border with Myanmar, shortly before 8pm on Friday at a shallow depth of just 10-kilometers. No casualties have been reported. However, some 850 people have been forced from their homes. Relief crews have been sent into the region. 15 killed, 13 injured in S. Philippines market fire At least 15 people, including 6 children, are dead after a fire rolled through a market early this Saturday morning in the southern Philippine city of Zamboanga. Over a dozen others have been hospitalized, some with potentially-fatal burns. Its believed the victims belong to 3 different families who had been living inside their stalls at the market when the blaze broke out. An electric short is the suspected cause of the fire. It torched some 350 stalls in the clothing market before crews were able to put the fires out. 27 dead, 180 wounded in nightclub fire in downtown Bucharest Twenty-seven people have been confirmed dead after a nightclub fire in the Romanian capital Bucharest late on Friday. Another 180 were injured and taken to hospital. The fire broke out as the club in downtown Bucharest prepared to stage a light show and a pyrotechnic display, to mark the launch of an album by band Goodbye to Gravity. Witnesses say the polystyrene décor inside the club was ignited before the explosion, which led to a stampede for the exit. NPC considers law aimed at charity transparency Top legislators here in China are mulling over the country's first ever charity law, in an effort to increase transparency. A draft being discussed by the National People's Congress would require charities to publicize clear information on their operations. It says such information should be released at least once every three months. The draft includes special stipulations on online fundraising to prevent cyber fraud. The law follows the rapid development of the charity sector in China in the past decade, with the amount of donations ten times that of 10 years ago. Chinese Volunteer Organization Heads to Pakistan for Earthquake Relief A group of Chinese volunteers are arriving in Pakistan this Saturday to help with the humanitarian relief efforts following this past Monday's 7.5-magnitude earthquake in the Hindu Kush. The group from the city of Hangzhou are to be the first of two teams from China being sent in to help with the relief efforts. Team leader Xu Yin says the group is headed into remote areas in the quake-zone. A 2nd batch of Chinese volunteers are due to leave for the quake-zone tomorrow. Monday's quake, which hit the Hindu Kush mountain range on the Afghan side of the border, has left close to 400 dead. Hundreds others were injured. Thousands more remain homeless. The area where the quake hit is considered a largely ungoverned region, with local tribes and the Taliban controlling sections of it. Shanghai FTZ unveils new financial reforms China's central bank has announced a series of new measures to be applied to the Shanghai free trade zone. One of them is to allow individuals to directly buy overseas assets, including businesses, stocks and real estate. The exchange quota for Chinese citizens will also be increased beyond the current 50,000 US dollar level currently allowed for people in other parts of the country. The new policies are aimed to make it easier for both individuals and institutions to invest and raise funds across the border. Made-in-China multiple unit train delivered to Macedonia A new multiple-unit train developed by a Chinese firm has been delivered to Macedonia's capital, Skopje. The 3-car train has been manufactured by Zhuzhou Electric Locomotive, a subsidiary of high-speed rail group CRRC. It can carry up to 280 passengers. Speeds for the Macedonian train have been set at 160-kilometers per hour. However, it can be adjusted to move faster if needed. The delivery of the train follows a deal struck between the Chinese and Macedonian government's back in June.