

2014-11-27    05'22''

主播: BFSU RADIO北外广播台

29 1

听众朋友们晚上好,欢迎收听今晚的睡前小福利,我是秦童。 刚刚分享给大家的老歌,是不是很耳熟呢?没错,这首Daniel Powter的Free loop曾于2006年被用作福特轿车的广告曲。初听这首歌时,我没太明白歌词的意思。后来看过MV才知道,Daniel Powter自己填词作曲的这首歌原来讲的是一个男人和一台钢琴的故事。一个男孩总在玻璃窗外看这架钢琴,当他伸手的时候,钢琴会对他的手指有所感觉,自己弹奏起来,仿佛他们的灵魂相通。这个暖心的MV让我想起自己的小时候。那时家里有一只几乎和我一样大的玩具熊。一个人在家时,我总爱躺在他怀里,就像妈妈在抱着我一样。每次看着他深棕色的眼睛,我都会祈祷,让他活过来吧,我会带着他散步,吃点心,看电视,晚上躺在一张床上入睡。时至今日,想起那只可爱的白熊,仍会感受到浅浅的幸福。 你的记忆中,是否也有这样一件温暖你的物品,让这个冬天不再寂寞? 今晚的睡前小福利就到此为止了。天气转凉,别忘了加件衣服。进入教室后别忘脱掉外套,室内外温差较大,忽冷忽热小心发烧。冬天用冷水洗脸可以预防感冒。北京天气干燥,要多喝热水哦。晚安,好梦。 另附free loop 歌词 FREE LOOP I'm a little used to calling outside your name I won’t see you tonight so I can keep from going insane But I don't know enough, I get some kinda lazy day Hey yeah I've been fabulous through to fight my town a name I'll be stooped tomorrow if I don't leave as them both the same But I don't know enough, I get some kinda lazy day Hey yeah Cause it's hard for me to lose In my life I've found only time will tell And I will figure out that we can baby We can do a one night stand, yeah And it's hard for me to lose in my life I've found outside your skin right near the fire That we can baby We can change and feel alright I'm a little used to wandering outside the rain You can leave me tomorrow if it suits you just the same But I don't know enough, I need someone who leaves the day Hey yeah