

2017-06-20    08'01''

主播: 静候春暖花开

260 8

By The Sea (Lovett)Ooh, Mr. Todd 啊,托德先生 I'm so happy 我太开心了 I could 我甚至可以 Eat you up 一口吞掉你 I really could 我真的可以哦 You know what I'd like to do, Mr. Todd? 托德先生,你知道我想要干什么吗 What I dream? 我的梦想是什么? If the business stays as good 如果生意兴隆 Where I'd really like to go? 我想要去哪里呢? In a year, or so? 大概在一年左右? Don't you wanna know? -你想知道吗? -当然,Do you really wanna know? -你真的想知道吗? -是的 By the sea, Mr. Todd, that's life I covet 在海边,那是我向往的生活 By the sea, Mr. Todd, Oh, I know you'd love it 在海边,我知道你也会喜欢 You and me, Mr. T, we could be alone 你和我,亲爱的托德,只属于我们的二人世界 In a house what we'd almost own 在一个属于我们的大房子里 Down by the sea 在海边 (Todd)Anthing you say...随你就好,(Lovett)Wouldn't that be smashing? 我希望这真的可以实现 Think how snug it'll be, underneath our flannel 我们可以怎么舒服怎么来,脚下垫着法兰绒地毯 When it's just you and me and the English Channel 我们携手,跨越英吉利海峡 In our cozy retreat, kept all neat and tidy 把这里打扫一遍,然后我们离开这里 We'll have chums over every Friday 我们在周五可以和密友整天畅谈 By the sea 就在海边 Don't you love the weather? 你喜不喜欢那边的天气? By the sea 在海边 We'll grow old together 让我们一起变老吧 By the seaside 就在海边 By the beautiful sea 就在那美丽的海边 It'll be so quiet 除了浪涛,寂静无比 That who'll come by it 不会有人打扰我们的 Except a seagull? Oh, oh! 当然,除了海鸥 We shouldn't try it 我们先把我们的爱合法化 Until it's legal for two 然后再尝试这些 But a seaside wedding could be devised 但我们的婚礼可以在海边举行 My rumple bedding, legitimized 在我们的婚礼上 My eyelids'll flutter 当时我的眼睛一定会抖个不停 I'll turn into butter 心会像黄油一样融化 The moment I mutter," I do!" 那一刻我一定会说:“我愿意!” Down by the sea 就在海边 Married nice and proper 我们结婚吧 By the sea 就在海边 Bring along your chopper 也带上你的剃刀 To the seaside 去到海边 By the beautiful sea 去到那美丽的地方 💗Johanna And in that darkness when I'm blind,With what I can't forget 就算到耄耋之年,我也不会忘掉你 And though I'll think of you, I guess,Until the day I die 你永远在我的心里,直到我安息入土 I think I miss you less and less,As every day goes by 时间是个良药,也许会治愈我吧 If only angels could prevail,We'd be the way we were 如果天使能够打败恶魔,我们的日子也许能回到从前 Another bright red day 明天会比今天更美好 We learn, Johanna, to say 我们总要学会去说 Goodbye 再见了 I'll steal,you 然而总有一日 我会把你偷走的 感谢收听 本期节目!👏👏👏