【201512011 欧美:FREAKYPEDIA】Click In If You Dare

【201512011 欧美:FREAKYPEDIA】Click In If You Dare

2015-12-11    53'44''

主播: GM257广美广播台

151 8

1.Once there was an old building, old enough to have it&`&s only bulb in the staircase broken, the bulb began flickering all the time......And the most horrible thing is, whenever the occupants wanted to bing their dogs home after a walk, they found that the dogs get so terrified when they stand in front of the staircase, they just keep barking and refuse to get in there, and if their owner pull them in roughly, they&`&ll even whine whith a desperate voice! 说是有一个老式小区,楼道口唯一的灯突然坏了,忽闪忽闪的,而最恐怖的是,每当那裡的住戶遛完狗带它回来的时候,到楼道口狗都会狂吠,特别害怕,不肯进去,强拉着进去以后狗还会哀嚎一声! 2.As the biggest river in China, the Changjiang River seemed to be relentless, but it do have the experience of drying up for two times in the history, but something even more unbelievable happened at the night before the second dry up...All most everyone in the village beside the river got GHOST PRESSED!! 在我们的印象中長江总是奔流不息,然而在历史上长江却有两次断流,更加叫人不可思议的是,在第二次江水断流的时候,长江边上的一个村子,居然集体遭遇鬼压床了! 3.In Europe, the legand of the vampires spreaded ever since the beginning of the history, and we all know that the main characteristic of the vampires is that they feed on blood, but do you know that once in the 90s, a &`&vampire&`& appeared in Shanghai! It is said that the vampire was attacking people in the dark, and even two policeman died when they try to arrest &`&it&`&—&`&it&`& drank up their blood! 在欧洲,从有历史記载的一刻起,便有吸血鬼的传說,众所周知,吸血鬼最大的特性便是以吸血為生。但你们知道吗,90年代时我个上海也曾出现过&`&吸血鬼&`&!据說那个&`&吸血鬼&`&总在阴暗處袭击人,警方為了逮捕它還牺牲了兩名警察,全部被吸干鮮血! 4.It was a stormy night in1992, an unbelievable thing happened——Someone saw some maids of honour and eunuchs in front of a red wall in the Palace Museum! 那是1992年的一個雷雨夜,一件令人匪夷所思的事發生了——在故宫的一堵红墙前,有人竟看到一排宫女和太监的身影! 5.Many people in China have heard of the game of the Pen Immortal, and some of them have even tried this mystical game, but it is also said that this game is really dangerous, someone have even died because it! 在中国,很多人都知道笔仙的游戏,有些人甚至尝试过这个神奇的游戏,但传说笔仙十分危險,有人甚至死于這個游戏! pen immortal筆仙 Congenital Erythropoietic Porphyria先天性红血球紫质缺乏症 hemoglobin血红蛋白 pestilense 麻痹 resurgence 复活 opisthenar 手背