希尔弗斯坦 Somebody Has To

希尔弗斯坦 Somebody Has To

2020-01-17    00'36''

主播: 张显显显显显的树

215 2

Somebody Has to Somebody has to go polish the stars. They're looking a little bit dull. Somebody has to go polish the stars. For the eagles and starlings and gulls Have all been complaining they're tarnished and worn, They say they want new ones We cannot afford. So please get your rags And your polishing jars, Somebody has to go polish the stars. 总得有人去擦亮星星, 它们看起来灰蒙蒙. 总得有人去擦亮星星, 因为那些八哥、海鸥和老鹰 都抱怨星星又旧又生锈, 想要个新的我们没有. 所以还是带上水桶和抹布, 总得有人去擦亮星星. ——(美)谢尔·希尔弗斯坦《总得有人去》