拜伦I Saw Thee Weep

拜伦I Saw Thee Weep

2020-04-30    00'50''

主播: 张显显显显显的树

181 1

I SAW THEE’WEEP ——George Gordon Byron I saw thee weep the big bright tear Came out that eye of blue; And then me thought it did appear A violet dropping dew: I see thee smile the sapphire’s blaze Beside thee ceased to shine; It could not match the living rays That filled that glance of thine. As clouds from yonder sun receive A deep and mellow dye Which scarce the shade of coming eve Can banish from the sky, Those smiles unto the moodiest mind Their own pure joy impart; Their sunshine leaves a glow behind That lightens on the heart. 2、中文 我看过你哭——一滴明亮的泪 涌上了你蓝色的眼珠; 那时候,我心想,这岂不就是 一朵紫罗兰上垂着露; 我看过你笑——蓝宝石的火焰 在你前面也不再发闪, 呵,宝石的闪烁怎能比得上 你那一瞥的灵活的光线。 仿佛是乌云从远方的太阳 得到浓厚而柔和的色彩, 就是冉冉的黄昏的暗影 也不能将它从天空逐开; 你那微笑给我阴沉的脑中 也灌注了纯洁的欢乐; 你的容光留下了光明一闪, 直似太阳在我心里放射。