S01E09 Who's Zoomin' Who?【SQ】

S01E09 Who's Zoomin' Who?【SQ】

2015-06-10    01'33''

主播: 仨爪飞呐

5102 252

Secrets can’t hide in science.Medicine has a way of exposing the lies.Within the walls of the hospital,the truth is stripped bare.How we keep our secrets outside the hospital.well,that’s a little different.One thing is certain.Whatever it is we’re trying to hide,we are never ready for that moment when the truth gets naked.That’s the problem with secrets.Like misery,they love company,They pile up and up until they take over everything,until you don’t have room for anything else,until you’re so full of secrets you feel like you’re going to burst. 秘密在科学下无处遁形。医学自有一套揭露谎言的办法。在医院里,真相总是被赤裸裸的暴露出来。我们该如何在医院外保守住秘密,好吧,那就是另一回事了。有一件事是肯定的。无论我们试图隐藏什么,我们从来没准备好面对真相大白的那一刻。这就是秘密带来的烦恼。就像祸不单行一样,他们从来不孤单。秘密不断积累着,直到他们危及一切,直到你无暇顾及其他事情,直到你隐藏了太多的秘密,感觉自己都快要爆炸了。 The thing people forget is how good it can feel when you finally set secrets free.Whether good or bad,at least they’re out in the open like it or not.And once your secrets are out in the open,you don’t have to hide behind them anymore.The problem with secrets is even when you think you’re in control. You’re not. 人人常常忘记的事情是卸下心中的秘密后,那种如释重负的感觉。无论秘密是好是坏,至少可以真相大白,不过你愿不愿意。一旦你的秘密大白于天下,就再也不用向别人隐瞒,心怀秘密的麻烦就在于即使你以为你掌控一切,其实你并没有。