S02E17  As We Know it【HQ】

S02E17 As We Know it【HQ】

2015-10-05    00'52''

主播: 仨爪飞呐

1478 161

In hospitals they say you know. You know when you’re going to die. Some doctors say it’s a look patients get in their eyes. Some say there’s a scent. The smell of death. Something. There’s just some kind of sixth sense. When the great beyond is heading for you. You feel it coming. Whatever it is. It’s creepy. Because if you know. What do you do about it? Forget about the fact you’re scared out of your mind. If you knew this was your last day on earth, how would you want to spend it? 据说在医院中,当一个人的死期到来时,你可以预感到。有些医生说可以从病人的眼神中看出来,有人说那是一种气味,死亡的味道,某种第六感。当被这种强大的灵异感所召唤时,你会感到死亡在慢慢靠近。不管怎样,这都是令人毛骨悚然的。因为如果你知道了,你该如何是好?暂时先忘却发自内心的恐惧,如果你知道这是你活在世上的最后一天,你打算如何度过?