S12E14 Odd Man Out

S12E14 Odd Man Out

2016-04-03    01'36''

主播: 仨爪飞呐

3122 168

When babies are born, they usually com out crying like there's no tomorrow. It's loud. It's jarring and it's completely unfair. That adorable, tiny baby was forced out of its mother's womb and forced to breathe outside air into it's brand-new little lungs. It's human nature. No one wants to be left out in the cold rejected and alone. 当新生儿出生时,他们哭得像世界末日一般。大声而刺耳。这一点也不公平,可爱的小婴儿被赶出妈妈温暖的子宫,被迫用自己的柔嫩的小新肺呼吸外面的空气。这是人的本性,没人想冷落在外界中受排挤和孤单。 Affection, acceptance, and unconditional love. We all want it, we all look for it. But when we find it, it's flat-out terrifying. Because just as quickly as we may have found it, it can disappear. And we're back out there in the cold. Alone. 爱他们,包容他们无条件的接受他们,我们都渴望拥有,都在寻找。可当我们发现时会感到惊慌,因为我们发现得再快,他也消失得很快,而我们再次被冷漠,孤单一人。