See u tomorrow

See u tomorrow

2018-10-29    04'14''

主播: crystalplane

221 2

A New Day 崭新的一天 by Vivien Wade Draw back the curtain, Roll up the blind, Look through the window, What do you find? 拉开窗帘, 卷起百叶窗, 透过窗户看, 你发现了什么? A new day is dawning, All nature’s at play. Flowers are blooming, In a colorful array. 新的一天即将到来, 大自然的一切肆意绽放, 花儿盛开, 色彩绚烂。 Open the window, What do you hear? Birds that are singing, Bringing you cheer. 打开窗户, 你听到了什么? 鸟儿鸣唱, 使人欢喜。 Leaves on the trees, Are slightly swaying, To the tune of a breeze; They seem to be praying. 树上的叶子, 随着清风吹拂, 微微摇晃, 似在祈祷。 While nature rejoices, You behold such a sight, Thank God for blessings, And start the day right. 万物欣欣向荣, 恰巧被你尽收眼底, 感谢上帝的祝福吧, 开始你崭新的一天。