Crystal English-Apple Tree Yard

Crystal English-Apple Tree Yard

2017-05-27    17'43''

主播: 中国地质大学广播台

101 2

Crystal English-Apple Tree Yard Many years ago, Adam and Eva were expelled from the paradise for eating the forbidden fruit. Today, there ‘s also a woman, flirting with her lover in apple tree yard. Then, jinx comes soon. It’s the show Apple Tree Yard, which tells a middle-aged woman’s life, with liaison, sexual attack and murder. Through all these things, she isn’t civilized any more, and has gradually driven away from the descent world. It’s just as what she once said, “Fear, that’s what makes animals of us all.” So this Friday noon, let’s walk into Apple Tree Yard and believe me, you’ll absolutely find something really heart-shaking. Announcer: Leo Editor: Claire