Boris Johnson was not always President Trump's friend

Boris Johnson was not always President Trump's friend

2019-07-24    02'05''

主播: oasisst

7762 48

President Donald Trump congratulated Boris Johnson on becoming the leader of the Conservative Party and the United Kingdom's next prime minister Tuesday, praising the man he says is referred to as "Britain Trump." Trump has often characterized Johnson as a friend, and touted him as a potential prime minister even while Theresa May was in office. The two men also indicated a mutual willingness to work with each other should Johnson win the leadership contest. But while there is perhaps no greater compliment in Trump's mind than comparing another world leader to himself, it seems the US President has, for now, moved past the fact that Johnson publicly criticized him prior to the 2016 election. Johnson blasted Trump in December 2015 after the billionaire businessman implied that areas of London were dangerous due to radicalization while Johnson was mayor of the city, saying: "The only reason I wouldn't visit some parts of New York is the real risk of meeting Donald Trump." Much to Johnson's chagrin, he was later mistaken for Trump on the streets of New York City. "I am genuinely worried that he could become president. I was in New York and some photographers were trying to take a picture of me and a girl walked down the pavement towards me and she stopped and she said, 'Gee is that Trump?' It was one of the worst moments." Yet, Trump's remarks Tuesday indicate that he and Johnson have reconciled those differences, at least for now. "They like me over there. That's what they wanted. That's what they need. He'll get it done. Boris is good. He's gonna do a good job," he added.