The little prince chapter 26 my retail

The little prince chapter 26 my retail

2019-06-07    02'27''

主播: Jeremy🍩🎶

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- Chapter 26 - Beside the well there was the ruin(废墟)of an old stone wall. When I came back from my work, the next evening, I saw from some distance away my little prince sitting on top of a wall, with his feet dangling(摇晃). And I heard him say: "Then you don't remember. This is not the exact spot(地点)." Another voice must have answered him, for he replied to it: "Yes, yes! It is the right day, but this is not the place." I continued my walk toward the wall. At no time did I see or hear anyone. The little prince, however, replied once again: "Exactly. You will see where my track(足迹)begins, in the sand. You have nothing to do but wait for me there. I shall be there tonight." I was only twenty meters from the wall, and I still saw nothing. After a silence, the little prince spoke again: "You have good poison? You are sure that it will not make me suffer too long?" I stopped in my tracks, my heart torn asunder(分成碎片的); but still I did not understand. "Now go away," said the little prince. "I want to get down from the wall." I dropped my eyes, then, to the foot of the wall — and I leaped(跳) into the air. There before me, facing the little prince was one of those yellow snakes that take just thirty seconds to bring your life to an end. Even as I was digging(挖掘)into my pocket to get out my revolver(左轮手枪), I made a running step back. But, at the noise I made, the snake let himself flow(流动)easily across the sand like the dying(垂死的,指干涸的)spray(喷雾,指水柱)of a fountain(泉水), and, in no apparent(明显的)hurry, disappeared, with a light metallic(金属的)sound, among the stones. I reached the wall just in time to catch my little man in my arms, his face was white as snow. "What does this mean?" I demanded(询问). "Why are you talking with snakes?" I had loosened(松开)the golden muffler(围巾)that he always wore. I had moistened(弄湿)his temples(太阳穴), and had given him some water to drink. And now I did not dare ask him any more questions. He looked at me very gravely(严肃的), and put his arms around my neck. I felt his heart beating like the heart of a dying bird, shot with someone's rifle(来复枪). "I am glad that you have found what was the matter with your engine," he said. "Now you can go back home —" "How do you know about that?" I was just coming to tell him that my work had been successful, beyond anything that I had dared to hope. He made no answer to my question, but he added: “I, too, am going back home today." Then, sadly — "It is much farther. It is much more difficult." I realized clearly that something extraordinary(不寻常的)was happening. I was holding him close in my arms as if he were a little child; and yet it seemed to me that he was rushing(猛冲)headlong(头向前的,指径直的), toward an abyss(深渊)from which I could do nothing to restrain him. His look was very serious, like someone lost far away. - END -