Caixin Buzzword | Public Sector Income Annuities 职业年金

Caixin Buzzword | Public Sector Income Annuities 职业年金

2015-01-20    00'52''

主播: 财新金融英语

281 16

Public sector income annuities are part of a pension scheme for government workers. The monthly annuity computation is generated by a government agency or public institution as an addition to the pension plan for their employees. It can take the form of a contributory scheme under which both the employer and employees contribute to a fund which is tax deferred. The amount of annuities employees receive in retirement will depend on the type of scheme and their contributions, the number of years of their service and their salary level. Under the State Council initiative for public sector pension plans, government agencies will create a contributory annuity program for their employees with employers contributing an amount equivalent to 8 percent of employees’ base salary every year. Employees will also pay 4 percent of their earnings into the scheme each month. 职业年金是对基本养老保障制度的一种补充主要。职业年金即不同于社会保险也不同于商业保险, 而是一项单位福利制度,也是是企事业单位人力资源管理、薪酬福利管理的重要组成部分。 职业年金的责任主体是政府部门,事业单位及其职工,职业年金是事业单位及其职工依据自身经济状况建立的保障制度。职业年金有两种缴费方式, 一种是单位个人同时按一定工资比例交;另一种是只有单位按一定工资比例缴纳。 国务院倡导的机关事业单位养老制度改革规定,职业年金单位缴费比例是工资的8%, 个人缴费比例为工资的4%。职业年金以货币资产的形式存在,职工退休后能拿到的职业年金的多少取决于年金的种类,职工所交的积累,他们的服务年限以及工资水平。 In the news The State Council released a document on reform of the pension plan for civil servants and workers in the public sectors on January 14. In the document, the State Council said that government agencies and public institutions such as schools and hospitals should create annuity schemes for their employees as an additional benefit for their workers.