

2015-01-26    01'59''

主播: 财新金融英语

254 22

Central government health officials have ordered a crackdown on taking blood samples of expecting mothers out of the country to determine the sex of the child she is carrying, as new data shows China continues to have far more boys than girls. The National Health and Family Planning Commission posted a notice on its website on January 21 requiring 14 government departments, including public security, customs and commerce agencies, to cooperate in the campaign. Authorities were told to crack down on advertising gender identification services on the Internet, prevent the taking of blood samples out of the country, and punish the businesses and individuals involved in the activity. Illegal medical organizations and individuals have been taking pregnant women's blood samples abroad to identify the fetus genders in recent years, the health commission said, and this was hurting efforts to address the country's gender imbalance. Many of these businesses take mother's blood samples into Hong Kong to determine the sex of unborn babies. Customs officials stopped several people from taking blood samples across the border last year, domestic media reports say. Official statistics show 115.88 boys were born in the country last year for every 100 girls, and China had 33 million more males than females. China has the greatest gender imbalance in the world, the health commission said, adding that only 18 countries and regions had sex ratios higher than 107. The United Nations says the norm around the world is 102 to 107. The gender imbalance is greatest in the country's rural areas, a document published by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in 2006 said. The imbalance has led to "bachelor villages" in rural areas – places where men cannot find wives – and a rise in seeking brides from neighboring countries, such as Vietnam and Cambodia. This has resulted in a worsening human-trafficking problem in recent years. For Caixin Online this is Diana Bates 国家统计局1月20日发布的2014年度人口数据显示,2014年大陆人口136782万人,其中男性人口70079万人,女性人口66703万人,即男性比女性多3376万人,总人口性别比为105.06,而出生人口性别比为115.88,性别结构仍然处于失衡状态。 国家卫计委近日发布十四部门《关于加强打击防控采血鉴定胎儿性别行为的通知》,并于1月21日在其官网作出了解读。卫计委官网的解读文章指出:目前,世界上有18个国家和地区的出生人口性别比高于107正常值上限,我国是世界上出生人口性别结构失衡最严重、持续时间最长、波及人口最多的国家。 据了解,中国人口性别比出现异常偏高的最直接原因是“两非”,即非医学需要的胎儿性别鉴定和非医学需要的人工终止妊娠,孕妇得知胎儿为女性后便终止怀孕。卫计委官网指出:近年来,一些非法机构和个人通过网络拉“业务”,由专人上门或选取隐蔽地方为内地孕妇抽取静脉血样,用简易冷藏容器贮存,送往境外进行胎儿性别鉴定,已形成非法牟利的地下产业链,进一步加剧了我国出生人口性别结构的失衡。 近年来,打击“两非”的力度不断加大。《关于加强打击防控采血鉴定胎儿性别行为的通知》即提出将对广告、中介、采血、检测、出境等采血鉴定胎儿性别行为的一系列有关程序加强监管。 针对性别结构失衡,舆论多对未来中国男性找不到伴侣表示担忧。
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