

2015-04-08    01'15''

主播: 财新金融英语

515 31

Buying online from overseas vendors is no longer such a foreign idea anymore, and many investors are now betting on a growing trend, valued at some 1 trillion yuan worth of purchases last year. Online shopping giants like Alibaba Group's Tmall International and JD.com Inc. opened the floodgates in 2014 to purchasing goods from overseas vendors. Back in 2010, an e-commerce company named Yangmatou began attracting investment with its focus on letting Chinese buyers liaise directly with overseas sellers. The site offers a range of foreign-branded products from Spanish olive oil to U.S.-made vitamin supplements. In 2013, the central government introduced a pilot program which offered tax breaks for cross-border e-commerce companies and lower tariffs plus shorter customs processing times for goods bought through them. Foreign companies are also getting in on the convenience of overseas online purchases, with Amazon.com partnering with Tmall International in April. Smaller companies are gaining momentum in the market, creating their own international supply chains. Yangmatou offers a platform which is connected to its own logistics centers in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Houston. For Caixin Online, this is Diana Bates. 当更多的人希望不出国就能买到外国货—互联网海淘应运而生。所谓“海淘”,就是通过互联网检索海外商品信息,并通过电子订购单发出购物请求,填上私人信用卡号码,由海外购物网站通过国际快递发货,或是由转运公司代收货物再转寄回国。 现在“海淘”的涵义已扩展到进口跨境贸易商。也就在过去的一年里,“海淘”一词从小众变成大众,从高端奢侈品扩展到日常生活必需品,从代购衍生出跨境电商。 而日益明朗的政策环境无疑为这把火吹起了东风。2013年,上海、重庆、杭州、宁波、郑州、广州和深圳获批成为跨境商务进口服务试点城市,在海关、检验检疫、税务和收付汇等方面先试先行。 全国人大代表、浙江省侨联副主席陈乃科在今年“两会”期间表示,2014年末,中国的“海淘族”已经突破2000万人,年消费额突破1万亿元人民币,中国已经成为世界上最大的“海淘”市场。 从传统电商巨头天猫国际、京东、一号店,到聚美优品、唯品会等垂直电商,都想从中分一杯羹。蜜淘、洋码头等“白手起家”的创业公司无疑吸引了最多的关注。 入华十年,亚马逊官方旗舰店入驻天猫国际。试运行期间,亚马逊主推“进口直采”商品,包括鞋靴、食品、酒水、厨具、玩具等品类,之后逐步覆盖超过2000个国际品牌。旗舰店计划于今年4月正式上线。 洋码头搭建了纽约、旧金山、洛杉矶、休斯顿四大海外物流中心。同时联手中国邮政,与东方航空公司、南方航空公司、韩亚航空公司等航空公司战略合作,自建国际物流仓储配送公司贝海国际速递。