

2015-06-22    01'33''

主播: 财新金融英语

4075 65

Warnings on an overheated real estate sector are hardly new, but in Chengdu, bank regulators are taking a more assertive stance on the prices of commercial properties. China Banking Regulatory Commission officials in Sichuan Province have asked to review data on the value of collateral for the commercial property sector in the provincial capital of Chengdu. The request represents the first time the CBRC has asked for information on the collateral put down for commercial property, largely in the form of land and buildings. An employee at a local bank said banks have already submitted the data requested but the results have not been made public. The same bank employee said if the value of the collateral for the loan is lower than 30 percent of what it was assessed at, the loan itself will be categorized as non-performing. Government data shows that the city of Chengdu is suffering from an oversupply of commercial property, especially in office buildings. In the first quarter of this year, Chengdu's vacancy rate for office buildings hit 40.8 percent, up from 35.9 percent at the end of last year, reported Jones Lang LaSalle. The vacancy rates are expected to rise even further with new space hitting the market this year. Concerns on the health of the property sector in Chengdu were raised by the CBRC as early as 2013, with the Sichuan branch publishing a report which stated banks broke rules by lending to developers without specifying what the money should be used for, among other violations. For Caixin Online, this is Diana Bates. 5月20日,是四川各银行业机构向省银监局报送“押品价值波动风险压力测试报告”的截止期限。一个月前,四川省银监局向辖内机构发送了一份关于抵质押贷款的专项调查通知,调查范围是公司类贷款和个人经营性贷款,而押品风险压力测试的重点指向了房地产贷款,包括房地产开发贷款、土地储备贷款、个人住房按揭贷款和个人商用房按揭贷款。 一位当地银行业人士对财新记者称,省银监局近年来十分关注商业地产领域的金融风险,每年都下发风险提示或专题调研报告,但像这样专门的押品风险压力测试仍为罕见,属于非常规调查。 抵押品风险压力测试的结果目前尚不得而知,但成都的商业地产供给过剩、库存过高等状况早已不是新闻。两年前,当地监管层已经看到商业地产贷款“暴露出诸多风险隐患,不容忽视”,而当年监管层点名批评的租售率为0的写字楼,两年后财新记者实地调查发现,其招商面积仍不过三分之一。 类似空荡荡的商业中心、写字楼,在成都比比皆是。多家中介或研究机构提供的数据显示,成都商业物业的空置率超过40%,悲观估计甚至超过50%。更严峻的是,2015年,成都迎来了继2012年之后的又一波商业物业入市高峰。那些开发商、销售或招租经理们,每天顶着巨大的压力,他们最常说的口头禅是一个字——熬。