

2015-06-29    01'51''

主播: 财新金融英语

2361 60

China’s Ministry of Public Security has published its first report on the country’s drug use, trafficking and production, marking wider official acknowledgment of the illicit trade. The report stated that at the end of 2014, China had 14 million drug users, 49,000 of whom died as a result of drugs in the last year alone. Furthermore, it blamed drug use for recent losses of 500 billion yuan per year. The report was released on June 24, just before the UN’s International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking on June 26, a date that pays homage to efforts by Lin Zexu, a Qing dynasty official, to stop Britain’s opium trade in Guangdong in 1839. Liu Yuejin, an assistant minister of public security, said methamphetamine pills and heroin in China originate in Southeast Asia, while most crystal meth and ketamine in the country comes from the Middle East. He also mentioned that criminals are producing synthetic drugs that the government remains unaware of. According to Du Xinzhong, who’s website is dedicated to fighting drug abuse, Chinese laws only address 14 of the 388 psycho-addictive substances listed by the UN. Gao Guiju, a senior criminal court judge, said that last year Chinese courts tried over 100,000 cases involving drugs, compared to some 38, 000 in 2007, and that the Supreme People’s Court, China’s top court, needs to cooperate more with prosecutors and police in order to properly handle China’s growing drug problem. Tang Jianbin, a lawyer from Beijing Lincoln & Water Bang Law Firm, echoed this, saying that police often don’t calculate the weight of drugs, and in some cases do not even identify the drug accurately, resulting in lighter sentencing for criminals. For Caixin Online, this is Jessie Dalman. 6月24日,《2014年中国毒品形势报告》正式发布。这是中国政府首次对外发布的毒品形势报告。《报告》用6000多字的篇幅,分四个章节的,介绍了包括毒品滥用、毒品来源、毒品贩运和毒品形势走向等内容。 在国务院新闻办召开的新闻发布会上,国家禁毒委员会副主任、公安部部长助理刘跃进介绍,当前,国内登记在册吸毒人员数量的持续增长,毒品滥用结构发生深刻的变化。截至2014年底,全国累计发现登记吸毒人员295.5万名,实际吸毒人数超过1400万。滥用合成毒品人员累计登记人数首次超过滥用传统毒品人数。 针对当前中国境内毒品来源情况,刘跃进分析,在境外来源方面,“金三角”地区罂粟种植和冰毒生产仍保持较大规模,是中国境内海洛因和冰毒片剂的最大来源地。“金新月”地区(指巴基斯坦、阿富汗和伊朗的边境欧亚大陆的交界处,因地形近似新月,又盛产利润极高的毒品鸦片,被称为“金新月”。 公益戒毒网站杜新忠戒毒网的创办人杜新忠也肯定了新精神活性物质问题存有在国内快速形成滥用的可能。他在受访时对财新记者说,联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室监测到的388种新精神活性物质中,包括k粉在内的14种已被中国列入管制范围。新精神活性物质本身与常人熟知的毒品危害性相当,但险在人们对其成瘾性和危害性认识不足。