200405 Entering the talent show

200405 Entering the talent show

2020-04-05    01'00''

主播: Frank C.👋🌀

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Mark: Hey Jim. Are you entering the school talent show? Jim: No way, Mark. I don’t have any talents. Mark: I’m entering the talent show. Jim: What are you going to do? Mark: I’m going to juggle while sitting on a unicycle. I know how to juggle really well. Jim: Do you have a unicycle? Mark: I’m going to use my grandfather’s unicycle. He used to ride one in the circus. Jim: That’s cool. I wish I had a talent. Mark: You do. Think of something you’re really good at. Jim: I know some magic tricks. My brother taught me last summer. Mark: Magic tricks are cool! You should enter. The winner gets a new computer. Jim: I’ve never been on stage before. I would be too scared to stand in front of an audience. Mark: I’ve never been on stage either. I think it will be fun. Jim: I’ll just cheer you on from the audience. Mark: Thanks! Do you want to watch me practice? Jim: Sure! Can you teach me how to juggle? Mark: Of course! Let’s go practice together at my house tonight. 马克:嗨,吉姆。你要参加学校的才艺表演吗? 吉姆:不可能啊,马克。我没有什么天赋。 马克:我要参加才艺表演。 吉姆:你打算做什么? 马克:我坐在独轮车上玩杂耍。我很会玩杂耍。 吉姆:你有独轮车吗? 马克:我要用我爷爷(姥爷)的独轮车。他以前在马戏团骑独轮车。 吉姆:太酷了。我真希望我有才艺啊。 马克:你有的。想想你真正擅长的事情吧。 吉姆:我会一点魔术。我哥哥去年夏天教我的。 马克:魔术很酷啊!你应该参加。获胜者会得到一台新电脑。 吉姆:我以前从没上过台。我会怕得不敢站在观众面前。 马克:我也从来没登过台。我觉得会很有趣的。 吉姆:我会在观众席中为你加油。 马克:谢谢!你想看看我练习吗? 吉姆:当然啦!你能教我怎么玩杂耍吗? 马克:当然了!今晚我们一起去我家练习吧。