200427 Wuhan awakens

200427 Wuhan awakens

2020-04-27    00'53''

主播: Frank C.👋🌀

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1. You get the feeling that this is a city trying to awaken once again. You know, a 76-day brutal lockdown, harsh conditions, in many of the communities here folks couldn’t leave their homes. They were sealed off, not even to go outside to get a little bit of air. 2. And so, you start to see it’s coming back. In fact, one of the things we are struggling with here is the background noise of traffic. That’s a good sign, right? That means clearly folks are trying to get back to life, trying to get back on line with their businesses. 3. This QR code is the golden ticket and the way it works, as we explained, that each jurisdiction has their own. So ours in Shanghai, for example, doesn’t necessarily help us get around here within Wuhan, but it does help us check into our hotel. 你会有这种感觉,这座城市正在再次苏醒。你知道,76天的残酷封锁,恶劣的条件,在这里的许多社区,大家伙儿都出不了家门。他们被封锁了起来,甚至连出去透透气的机会都没有。 所以,你现在开始看到它回来了。事实上,我们正在努力解决的问题之一就是背景的交通噪音。这是个好迹象,对吧?这显然意味着人们正试图回归到生活,他们生意也重新回归到线上。 这个二维码是金票,它的运作方式,正如我们所解释的,每个司法管辖部门都有自己的司法管辖区。例如,我们在上海申请的健康码虽然不一定能帮我们在武汉四处走动,但确实能帮我们入住酒店。
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