200708 Joyride-Nike

200708 Joyride-Nike

2020-07-11    00'49''

主播: Frank C.👋🌀

147 1

1. One of the big ideas for Joyride is to make running feel easy, allowing runners to continue to run, but give their legs a day off. 2. The idea of personalized cushioning really came to us because we've all sat in a bean bag chair. We wanted to put that feeling inside of a shoe. Beads are really the magic behind Joyride. 3. Under compression, the air that's trapped between the beads is allowed to escape, which allows for cushioning. Our innovation partners have been working on identifying the right material and the exact size and shape of each of the beads. 4. So combined with pressure mat, you get beads placed exactly where you need them for this amazing personalized cushioning. Joyride 的一个重要的思想就是让跑步感觉轻松,使得跑步者在奔跑的同时,给他们的腿放一天假。 因为我们都坐过豆包椅,所以我们产生了个性化缓冲物质的想法。我们想把这种感觉放进鞋子里。这些珠子才是Joyride背后神奇的地方。 (鞋)受到挤压时,困在珠子之间的空气就可以释放出来,从而起到缓冲作用。我们的创新伙伴们一直在努力识别出合适的材料以及每个珠子的确切大小和形状。 那么再结合压力垫,把珠子精准地放置在你需要的地方,这就是惊人的个性化缓冲。