

2015-05-02    07'33''

主播: 茹果有茹果

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故地重游是一种怎样的心情呢? 除了感受温暖阳光、放空心灵外,又奈时光匆匆。 两年过去了,我们毕业了、工作了,依旧在变得更好的路上。包括友谊。从清晨到日暮,从年幼到青春,只想说友谊万岁。 影片《牛仔裤的夏天》讲述了四个姑娘的青春。同在夏末出生的她们性格迥异却亲如姐妹。十六岁这年夏天,四姐妹第一次面对分离,各自度过一个没有对方的夏天。意外地,她们发现一条奇迹般的适合她们穿的牛仔裤。于是神奇的牛仔裤变成了友情的信物,伴随她们开始各自的旅程。 For as long as I could remember, the four of us shared everything.Stories、secrets、laughters、broken hearts.So when we found a pair of pants that,by some miracle,fit each of us perfectly,we took it on faith they'd come into our lives for a reason.That summer and the two that followed,the pants had the magic of keeping us together no matter where they found us.They saw us through times of love,times of loss,and times of change.And those moments where you feel your life just lift up and take off.That fall when left for college,I watched each of my friends settle into a new life …They made it look so easy,fitting right in and making new friends.I believed that the Sisterhood could survive anything.But maybe the pants had done just about all a pair of pants could do and the rest we had to learn on our own.How to become ourselves without losing each other. Sometimes I like to think that the pants got lost on purpose that this was their final gift to us bring us back together,back to a place of forgiveness and love and an understanding that what we shared was all the magic we could ever need.And as we spent those last few moments of summer looking out at the blending of sea and sky I realized it was a color I knew very well.The softly faded essential blue of a well worn pair of pants.The pants had brought us together again.The rest was in our hands. 垫乐 we are one ---Kelly Sweet
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