164期: The Hics 、Silver Apples、Ultra Vivid Scene

164期: The Hics 、Silver Apples、Ultra Vivid Scene

2015-12-13    108'07''

主播: he_song

642 30

1. Bibio - À tout à l'heure 2. Grimes - Be A Body 3. Loop - Burning World 4. Lorde - Buzzcut Season 5. Wild Nothing - Chinatown 6. Terra Hazelton - Coffee In The Morning 7. Nosaj Thing - Eclipse 8. Alabama Shakes - Future People 9. Zeebee - La Belle Nation 10. The Hics - Lines 11. Silver Apples - Lovefingers 12. Ultra Vivid Scene - Mercy Seat 13. Your Friend - Mr. And Mrs. 14. Borghesia - Naked Lunch 15. Doprah - San Pedro 16. Gene - Save Me, I'm Yours 17. Snacs - Secret Hiding Place 18. The Bilinda Butchers - Sigh 19. Bryan Ferry - Slave to Love 20. Catching Flies - Stay Forever 21. Nadine Shah - Stealing Cars 22. Berlin - Take My Breath Away 23. The Danse Society - Woman's Own 24. 张国荣 - 似水流年