305期: Zbigniew Preisner

305期: Zbigniew Preisner

2021-04-02    80'30''

主播: he_song

399 11

1. カルメン?マキ - Love Songを唄う前に 2. Max Richter - Vivaldi, The Four Seasons - Summer 1 3. This Mortal Coil - Meniscus 4. 山下達郎 - MUSIC BOOK 5. Alla - New Hymn (The Residents, 1982) 6. The fin. - Night Time 7. Keep Shelly in Athens - Recollection 8. Hope Sandoval & The Warm Inventions - Son of a Lady 9. ナツサマー - Summer Illumination 10. Jon Hopkins - The Lower Places 11. The Books - Thirty Incoming 12. Zbigniew Preisner - Tu Ne Seras Pas Luxurieux Part 13. Sopor Aeternus & the Ensemble of Shadows - Va(r)nitas, vanitas 14. Clark - Winter Linn 15. 久保田早紀 - キャンパス街'81 16. 浅川マキ - 裏窓 17. ノーナ?リーヴス - 高層ビル
上一期: 304期: Harold Budd
下一期: 306期: Chris Watson